Wages of, Tables in this report show salaries (in dollars) of, Shows salaries of post office employees in Liverpool and Birkenhead in 1910 as well as, Tables show salaries paid to post-office and. This book also includes some chapters discussing typical jobs that college students might get and how much those jobs paid. Source: Investigation relative to wages and prices of commodities, Shows the average weekly wages of various occupations in 8 different industries in Budapest. Source: Shows hours and wages for 12 occupations including brick layers, painters, street sweepers etc. Wholesale and retail prices (in dollars) in Berlin for 1900 and 1910. Discusses the minimum weekly wages for women and girls working in various occupations. A volume in the series of studies in the national income and expenditure of the United Kingdom, being undertaken at the National Institute of Economic and Social Research in London and the Department of Applied Economics at Cambridge. Prices are shown in German marks. Florida: Jacksonville
By E. C. RAMSBOTTOM IN the issues of this Journal for 1935 (Part IV) and 1938 (Part I), index numbers were given showing the percentage fluctuations in the level of weekly wage rates in a number of industries during the period 1920-37, the average level of 1924 being taken as = 100. Kitchen ranges, stoves, furnaces, furniture, farm tools and wagons, harness and more. In general, it states women over the age of 18 should expect to be paid at least 10s to 12s a week. Historical Dictionary of the 1920s: From World War I to the New Deal, 1919-1933. chart showing rates and detail for Arkansas, Arizona, South Dakota, Utah and Puerto Rico. Shows the average weekly cost of food of a German family of four throughout WWI. 185. Wages are shown in contemporary US dollars. Fish prices on. (Click image for detail), Marie Concannon, Government Information Librarian The cost of materials for each home is printed in large type at the top of each page. 87, Belgium - Food prices as affected by the war, Bulgaria - Food prices as affected by the war, Typical weekly expenditures of a Canadian family, 1910-1920, Nova Scotia (Yarmouth) Prices, ca. Lists salaries paid in connection with the offices of the governor-general. 5d. Shows April 25th prices for ham, lard, baking powder, marmalade, lump sugar, flour, lemon peel, ground rice, apricots (tinned), wax candles, and Quaker oats. Suits, overalls, pants, work shirts, laundered and dress shirts, flannel shirts, sweaters, nightwear, underwear, trusses, socks, overcoats, mackinaw and fur coats, raincoats, shoes, ties and mufflers, cuff links, furs, gloves, hats, pipes, pocket knives, watches, watch tools and chains
Source: BLS, Use Table of Contents to find start page.
Prices and Wages by Decade: 1910-1919 - University of Missouri Wages are shown in Italian lire. Ladies':
Source: BLS, Average and classified earnings by occupations. The median salary for men between 22 and 29 was 26,856 in 2021, and for women 25,115. Tram Drivers (50 of the principal Districts). Includes bakers, engineers, store clerks, etc. Extensive section on guns found in the Thomas J. Conroy Illustrated Catalog and Price List. Discussion puts wage data in context with price levels which were definitely affected by the wars. Low 55,000. Kissimmee beats the Florida average by 30.7%, and Hollywood furthers that trend with another $9,015 (35.6%) above the $25,340. See. District of Columbia: Washington
Source: Bulletin of the Women's Bureau No. Shows the hourly wages of selected trades in both Kansas City and St. Louis between 1913 and 1920. Note that this source lists wholesale (not retail) prices. Commodities include beef, pork, eggs, butter, bread, flour, oats, rice, beans, apples, prunes, sugar, tea, coffee, potatoes, starch, coal, wood, and coal oil. Very simple table shows average hours and earnings for all production workers in manufacturing for each year from 1919-1960. Source: The "Service Industries" chapter in this source breaks out wages paid to workers in hospitals, hotels, bowling alleys, theaters, parks, churches, country clubs, athletic clubs and yacht clubs, advertising agencies, banks, laundries, schools/colleges, and restaurants (making no distinction between waiters, cooks or bus boys). Source: International Labour Review, Feb 1921. Hand Compositors and Machine Minders on Book and Jobbing Work. Collection of studies reveals average annual expenditures for food, rent, clothing, and medical care. The average earnings per man-shift worked in all districts, however, in the quarter ended 30th June, 1920, were l6s. embroidery tools, water pipe repair, bicycles, bicycle repair, car repair, gasoline engines, car parts, wagon repair, sleds, tools, more tools, axes and saws, farming equipment, farm chemicals, animal supplies, horse harnesses and tack, painters materials, roofing and siding, doors and windows, other building materials,
Because women's wages varied a great deal around the country in the 1910s, most wage data is reported by state. Tables from California's Bureau of Labor Statistics show how much men and women earned across all industries. Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin no. Note that plumbing and heating costs are listed separately as additional options. TEACHER SALARIES in SOUTH CAROLINA, 1910s. Reports wages, hours and earnings by occupation and sex for each year from 1914-1919 in the metal, cotton, wool, silk, boot and shoe, paper, rubber, and chemical manufacturing industries. All prices listed in dollars. Shows the fee bill setting charges for medical services that was adopted by the Sullivan County Medical Society in 1911; also tells how it changes during and after WWI. Source: Shows the average daily wages in printing, textiles, and machinery throughout various Italian cities. Texas: Dallas and Houston
Table shows comparative prices (wholesale and retail) at Warsaw in 1900 and 1910. The U. S. Census Bureau collected and reported telephone service rates. Jobs in Reed.co.uk, ranging from 33,000 to 33,000. Provides retail food prices in Austria in 1914 and in the years leading up to the war outbreak. Source: India Dept of Statistics. Table compares 1900 and 1910 retail prices at Lyons, including meats, flours, cereals, bread, alimentary pastes, fruits, vegetables, sugar, coffee, cocoa, pepper, salts, food oils. This catalog is well illustrated and shows prices in English money. Earning power tends to peak in middle age, with the median weekly income hitting 704 between 40 and 47 . weekly wage-rate in each case now, as compared with June, 1920, and June, 1914, respectively? Data covers industrial towns in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. It also discusses clothing and, Tables in this report give retail prices (in dollars) for commodities in London for 1900, 1910, or both, including. Source: U.S. Dept of Labor. Data provided for both large cities and small towns (, Discusses the 1918 federal housing plan that provided housing for war industry workers, including. 170, published May 1915. Source:Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis. In truth, the dramatic increase in incomes in the UK since 1908 makes almost every good for which comparisons are possible look much cheaper today. Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin no. in shipbuilding districts of GA, FL, MS, AL and TX. Although this source does not show prices patients paid for health care, it does indicate overhead for health providers. Note: these figures likely include administrator pay in the averages.
and the 70 year period they got cheaper - This is Money Wage Rates and Workers' Incomes: CQR - CQ Researcher by CQ Press The Bureau, covering both the South and the North, finds hourly earn- . Source: Survey of Current Business. 23 This series is composed of two parts. Drawing upon these various statistics, construct an explanation of the causes of the Great Depression. The table showing, This book on economics explains that haircuts were 25 cents for many years up until World War I. Shows changes in weekly and hourly wages for workers within unionized industries in Boston between 1914 and 1920. Source: BLS, The municipal budget of for the District of Mazatlan for 1910 details (in Mexican currency) how much was paid to government employees including secretaries, clerks, porters, treasurers, administrators, collectors, school directors and assistants, laborers, gardeners, physicians, surgeons, apothecaries, nurses, watchmen, cooks, pancake bakers, police officers, inspectors, gendarmes, machinists, mayors, wardens, and more. 61, 1928. Shows pay for those involved in "1st class New York City productions" including actors of various levels (from chorus to leads) as well as directors, designers, musicians, scene painters, stage hands, etc. This city directory lists individual city employees, their occupations and pay. catalog, 1917, Sporting gear and clothing prices - 1916, Average expenditure for individual articles of clothing, 1918-1919, B. Altman & Co. - Clothing mail order catalog, 1915, Average retail price of fabric in 45 cities - 1917, Ladies' undergarments, nightgowns, etc. - 1919, Horses, mules and farm animals - Average prices, 1867-1920, Tuition and living expenses at college - 1915, Canada - Retail prices of staple commodities, Edinburgh - Wholesale and retail prices in 1900 and 1910, https://libraryguides.missouri.edu/pricesandwages, War and postwar prices and wages, 1914-23 and 1939-44, Wages paid to workers placed by employment offices, 1918, Negro and white worker wages compared, 1918-1919, Wages by occupation for Black persons - St. Louis, 1914, Teacher salaries by race - Georgia, 1917 and 1918, Building and construction trades - Union wages, 1913-1930, Carpenter hours and wages by state and city - 1910, Coal mining - Hours and earnings, 1919-1933, Doctor's earnings, 1914 (Harvard grads only), Engineers, civil - Compensation in the early 1910s, Engineering graduates' income by years of experience - 1915, Farm workers - Wages and income, 1909 to 1938, explanation and historical context for this table, New Haven, CT city employee salaries from 1873-1921, Higher education - Salaries for college teachers and administrators, 1913, Iron and steel industry wages and hours, 1907-1931, Iron and steel industry workers, 1907-1924, Judicial branch salaries (federal employees), 1908-1922, Lawyers graduated from Harvard - Average annual earnings, 1914, Lumber, millwork, and furniture industries,1907 to 1913, Lumber, millwork, and furniture industries, wages and hours, 1915, Military pay for enlisted men in the Marines, Navy and Army, 1917-1920, Railroad cars, building and repair - Wages, 1907-1913, Railroad employees rates of pay, 1907-1915, Railway (electric) employees - average compensation, 1912, 1917, 1922, Railway workers' hours and wages by occupation, 1914-1923, Atlantic coast, Gulf coast and Great Lakes, Slaughtering and meat-packing industry, wages and hours - 1917, Street railway employment in the U.S., 1917, description of occupations in street railway industry, Telephone industry - average compensation per employee, 1912, 1917, 1922, Woolen and worsted good occupation earnings, 1914, Manufacturing industries - Wages, hours and earnings, 1914-1919, Factory employee average annual wages - 1914, 1919, Manufacturing industry - Average monthly earnings, 1918-1920, Candy makers - Wages in Philadelphia, 1919, Boot and shoe manufacturing - Wages and hours, 1910 to 1932, Boot, shoe, hosiery and underwear manufacturing wages, 1907-1913, Clothing industry - Wages and hours of labor, 1911 and 1912, Clothing (men's) manufacturing - Wages, 1911 to 1924, Clothing (women's) manufacturing - Piece rates, New York City - 1912 and 1913, Clothing (cloak, suit, and skirt manufacture) - Wages, 1912-1913, Hosiery and underwear manufacturing - Wages and hours, 1907-1932, Cotton goods manufacturing and finishing industry - Wages and hours, 1916, Cotton goods manufacturing and finishing industry - Wages and hours, 1918, Cotton, woolen, and silk industry wages, 1890-1912, Woolen goods manufacturing - Wages and hours of labor, 1910 to 1930, Furniture manufacturing industry - Wages and hours, 1910 to 1929, Cigar industry - Wages and hours of labor, 1911 and 1912, Estimated salaries and cost of living for teachers by state, 1918, Average salaries of college professors, 1908-1914, Elementary school teacher and principalsalaries, High school teacher and principal salaries, Elementary school district superintendent salaries, Average salary per month (male, female and general) by county, Statewide average salary per month by sex, Average annual salary (male, female and general) by type of high school maintained and for schools not in villages, towns or cities, Average annual salary (male, female and general) in town versus country schools, 1868/1869-1936/1937, see the Hathi Trust record, Texas school personnel salaries (white only), 1872-1953, Wages by occupation in Massachusetts, 1910, Average yearly earnings - Massachusetts, 1910, Lawrence, MA - Textile industry wages, 1911, Weekly earnings in woolen and worsted mills, Weekly hours worked in woolen and worsted mills, Missouri - Average weekly wages by occupation, 1914, Wages in Kansas City and St. Louis, 1913-1920, St. Louis city employee salaries and wages, 1913, Wage in the Missouri shoe industry, 1913-1922, Grand Rapids, MI - Furniture manufacturing workers, 1910, Wages and hours for all union occupations in New York state - 1912, Metals, machinery and ship building job wages, Hotel, restaurant and retail trade job wages, African Americans' earnings in New York City, ca.