Rensselaer Scholarship and Grant awards are provided to help finance the student enrollment costs and based on view the students are required to live in RPI housing and participate in an RPI meal plan for their first five semesters. Families are expected to utilize a combination of income, assets, and borrowing ability to fund educational costs. Aid Award In making aid awards, Rensselaers typical approach is to award scholarship funds first, then add self-help awards (loans and work-study jobs) to help meet need. The amount of the TAP award is scaled according to type of school, level of study, tuition charge, and net taxable income. Official withdrawals and leaves are coordinated through the Office of Student Experience. Herman Family Fellowship for women in entrepreneurship. Should the student not return from an approved leave of absence, the last date of attendance will be considered the date the approved leave of absence began. The combination of the Rensselaer Merit Scholarship and the Rensselaer National Merit Recognition Award cannot exceed $2,000. (518) 276-6000, Copyright 2017 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Media Policy | Privacy Policy | Student Consumer Information | Title IX Policy | Accessibility. Financial assistance is available for both scholarship and non-scholarship Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) students. Procter & Gamble Grant-in-aid for graduate study in chemical engineering. Karin and Ellis C. Chingos 37 Graduate Fellowship Program for graduate study. Christopher Graef: The United States Air Force Mathematics And Science Award, The Presidential Award For Educational Excellence, Rensselaer Alumni Award; Rensselaer Leadership Award; Rensselaer . Descriptions of the award retention environment for Federal and NY State TAP Grant programs are provided further below. Rensselaer does have some preferred lenders, selected because of their popularity with Rensselaer students, commitment to customer service, competitive interest rates, and interactive Web sites. Initial disbursements are made during the first week of each eligible term. Details on SAP guidelines are available at A highlighted row with an asterisk (*) indicates that a school has selected a Medalist. Where New York State law under the SLATE Act is stricter than federal law inserts are in bold. To provide access to a quality education for high-quality students, Rensselaer offers substantial financial aid from its own funds. The Code of Conduct Related to Student Loan Activities is a requirement specific to certain transactions and activities related to financial aid matters. Thereafter, a student who is not making SAP will no longer be eligible to receive federal aid until s/he regains SAP or is granted federal financial aid probation. Nominate a deserving graduating student today for the contributions they have made to the Rensselaer community through their academic, athletic, and service endeavors. Rensselaer Medal Award The Medal was first presented in 1916 with two purposes: Rensselaer Leadership Award . The states language provides for a waiver of the 2.00 requirement for undue hardship based on the death of a relative of the student, personal injury or illness of the student, or other extenuating circumstances. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) To remain eligible for these Title IV federal student assistance programs, students must complete a specified percentage of attempted credit hours and maintain a required cumulative grade point average (GPA) as well as a minimum semester grade point average each semester. Deadlines for scholarship applications vary among the Army, Navy, and Air Force. Payment may be postponed while the student is in school at least half time. Responsibility for selecting the Medalist belongs to the faculty and staff within the participating secondary school. The Rensselaer Leadership Award is given in recognition of an outstanding record of academic and personal achievements, a strong commitment to excellence, and illustration of intellectual curiosity. AmeriCorps provides opportunities for adults of all ages and backgrounds to serve through a network of partnerships with local and national nonprofit groups. The borrower chooses the lender, submitting the application through that lender. James P. Ferris Fellowship in Astrobiology for graduate study related to the field of astrobiology. For additional information, see the AmeriCorps Web site. Military Science (Army), (518) 276-6254 Coterminal Program Financial Aid Eligibility: Students enrolled in Coterminal degree programs are considered undergraduate students for financial aid purposes during the timeframe prior to completion of their Bachelor Degree requirements. International students may be eligible for private (alternative) student loans up to their Cost of Attendance. No special application is required. Naval Science (Navy/Marines), (518) 276-8001. There is no minimum grade point average required for renewal each year. Loan programs such as the Federal Direct and PLUS loan programs are liabilities that must be repaid, with interest. Once the student has reached that limit, s/he may borrow only unsubsidized loans, and interest begins to accrue on the students outstanding subsidized loan. No separate application is necessary. Gross Endowment Fund for graduate study in electric power engineering. Store Hours. The benefits for grants vary; most include tuition allowances. Visit the Office of Financial Aid website,, for additional instructions and details. Graduate Assistantships Each department selects a number of graduate students each academic year to work as graduate teaching and/or research assistants. Eligibility for Rensselaer need-based financial aid is determined by taking the Cost of Attendance minus the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) as determined by the Institute. Some students may receive Rensselaer scholarships that are provided by the generosity of donors, alumni, corporations, or other friends of the Institute. Post 9/11 G.I. Repayment begins 60 days from disbursement, unless deferment has been requested to the federal processor. New York State Tuition Assistance Program: (School Code 0635). FBI officials presented President Jackson with the FBI Albany Division's 2020 Director's Community Leadership Award at a ceremony on Tuesday. Instructions will be sent to students on how to complete the counseling upon leaving school. Scholarships and grants are awarded after full consideration of any of the following factors: relative financial need, academic achievement and promise, qualities of character as suggested by recommendations submitted on behalf of the student, evidence of willingness to help oneself by working, and participation in community and school activities. We do not consider parents attending college nor siblings attending graduate study. (VI) State education grants, scholarships, or financial aid funds administered by or on behalf of a State. Maximum award is $4,000. National Academy for Nuclear Training (NANT) Fellowships for graduate study in nuclear engineering. The veterans coordinator will provide forms and information for initiating benefit procedures. Previous STEM Seniors Honored with Academic Letters Next Be Kind and Happy Mother's Day Comments are closed. (iii) an officer, employee, or contractor of a lender, guarantor, or servicer of education loans from serving on a board of directors, or serving as a trustee, of an institution, if the institution has an interest policy that the board member or trustee must excuse themselves from any education loans at the institution. Preparing Students for Leadership and for Life. Richards Scholarship for graduate study in civil engineering. 2017 recipients: Smriti Moorjani, Phillip B. Kopita, Seunghee Cho, Elizabeth Guzman 2016 recipients: Shannon Hunter School of Architecture or co-terminal program students may receive awards for up to 10 semesters. Department of Energy (DOE) Fellowships for graduate studies in nuclear engineering. Harry F. Meiners 52 Fellowship for graduate study in physics. At Rensselaer, this is the question we ask every day as we tackle the most pressing challenges across the globe. Chemistry mentor . Recipients receive one of these awards for a maximum of eight semesters of full-time undergraduate study. Non-scholarship students receive a monthly stipend during their junior and senior years. Carlton E. Lemke Fellowship in Mathematics for graduate students in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), full time attendance, and aggregate limits are evaluated for renewability. The aggregate limit for undergraduate study is $27,000. Established in 1981 by the Rensselaer Union, the award is in honor of William P. (Willie) Stanton, Class of 1972 (hon. Award amounts vary, ranging from $500 to full tuition. Congratulations on your acceptance to Rensselaer! Over 500 international graduate students are currently enrolled at Rensselaer. The Office of Financial Aid works with campus partner offices to identify students accepted into co-terminal degree programs and actively assists students with FAFSA updates and other information needs during the transition to graduate student status. Payment of both principal and interest are deferred while the student is in attendance at least half time. Application Based on the FAFSA, the Office of Financial Aid reviews eligibility for these programs and makes awards within program guidelines and formulas (as always, subject to available funds). With the exception of the Phi Theta Kappa Award, the awards listed below provide a minimum of $18,000 per academic year. Reimbursement of expenses to a covered institutional employee for serving on the board of bona-fide professional association recognized by the Commissioner of NYS Education Dept., related to student financial aid. The Award for Excellence Provided to the top student transferring into a non-engineering program from two-year affiliated colleges and universities. When students withdrawfrom all classes prior to the end of a term, their billing account is reviewed to identify the amount of tuition, fees, and other charges they remain responsible to pay. Nominees are put forward by the departments based on the strength of the application information. Junior and beyond: $7,500 with no more than $5,500 from the subsidized program. This program was established from . Federal and state aid recipients are subject to the terms and conditions of those programs. Chauncey and Doris Starr Graduate Fellowship for worthy and needy students with first preference to those pursuing doctoral study in the interdisciplinary area of energy and the environment. Title IX Policy | These awards may replace all or in part previously awarded Rensselaer funds. Note that a student who qualifies for an 80% tuition refund will have their Rensselaer total gift aid reduced by 80%:the student remains responsible to pay 20% of their initial tuition bill and they retain 20% of their Rensselaer gift aid. Students are required to complete student loan exit counseling for Federal loans upon exiting school. The annual maximum a student may borrow is $5,500. Recipients are eligible to receive up to $1,000. Rensselaer encourages all non-NY residents to check with their state agencies to see if their educational grant or loan programs may be used while in attendance at the Institute. (ii) ExceptionsThe term gift shall not include any of the following: Additional details about these policies are provided in the in the Undergraduate financial aid information section of this catalog and on the website. In addition to the above, there are other possibilities for undergraduate students or, in some cases, their families. if the outside aid exceeds your unmet need, the outside aid will replace need-based federal sources (i.e. . Daughter of Tamera and Paul Stone . Awards may be adjusted when there are differences between FAFSA/Profile estimates and actual figures. Any credit balance remaining on the students account after all charges and awards are re-calculated will be provided to the student. If you only have Rensselaer merit awards (i.e. (iii) Rule for Gifts for Family MembersFor purposes of this paragraph, a gift to a family member of an officer or employee of an institution, to a family member of an agent, or to any other individual based on that individuals relationship with the officer, employee, or agent, shall be considered a gift to the officer, employee, or agent if A student receiving Rensselaer merit-based awards will automatically have those awards renewed as long as he or she has not been academically dismissed and meets all other eligibility requirements. (bb) such counseling does not promote the products or services of any specific lender. Sophomore: $6,500 with no more than $4,500 from the subsidized program. Graduating Student Awards Upcoming Events. Recipients receive this award for a maximum of eight semesters of full-time undergraduate study. Alternative Loans These non-federal loans are secured through private lending institutions. The NSLDS is accessible by guarantee agencies, lenders, and schools determined by US Department of Education to be authorized users of the data system. It did not depend on GPA when I got it. Disbursement of Federal Direct Loans The same percentages apply to the reduction of Rensselaer gift aid programs. Charles S. and Helen Humphrey Fellowship for graduate study for a Canadian citizen in science or engineering. The majority of my scholarship is from the Rensselaer Leadership Award. Students who take a leave of absence, or withdraw, and are also Title IV aid recipients should be aware of the following: The grace period for federal loans (Perkins, Direct PLUS, and Direct Loan) begins from the students last date of attendance as determined by the Office of Student Experience. Scholarship Description Rensselaer Leadership Award/Rensselaer Merit Award These merit-based awards are given in recognition of an outstanding record of academic and personal achievements, a strong commitment to excellence, and illustration of intellectual curiosity. Carlton E. Lemke Fellowship in Decision Sciences and Engineering Systems. Congratulations to all our seniors. Periods of deferment are limited to those who are (1) in school at least half-time; (2) on graduate fellowships or rehabilitation training; (3) unemployed; (4) serving on active duty during a war, being on active duty as a member of the national guard, or (5) in economic hardship. Eligibility is determined by data provided on the FAFSA; however a student whose parent or guardian died as a result of service in Iraq or Afghanistan after 9/11/2001 is provided the maximum award. Rensselaer Leadership Award, Rensselaer Medal Award, Rensselaer Recognition Award) and are not interested in federal or state aid then you do not need to complete the FAFSA. (Please note that Division III athletes are prohibited from receiving any financial aid that is based upon athletic participations/performance per NCAA regulation.). Generally speaking, funds from Rensselaer may only be received for a maximum of eight semesters; 10 semesters for Architecture majors. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute adopts the following provisions from the HEOA, Section 493 as its Code of Conduct Related to Student Loan Activities and will annually inform all institutional officers, employees, and agents with responsibilities for student loan activities and decisions of the provisions of this code. (V) Philanthropic contributions to an institution from a lender, servicer, or guarantor of education loans that are unrelated to education loans or any contribution from any lender, guarantor, or servicer that is not made in exchange for any advantage related to education loans. This scholarship will be paid each year the student remains eligible for ROTC scholarship benefits regardless if the recipient resides on or off-campus. These fellowships consist of a calendar year stipend of at least $22,000. All (or a portion of this award) may be replaced with other Rensselaer merit award(s) that best match a students overall attributes and/or academic record; however the total value will be equal to the original 2024 Bicentennial Award. Rensselaer Leadership Award/Rensselaer Merit Award* These merit-based awards are given in recognition of an outstanding record of academic and personal achievements, a strong commitment to excellence, and illustration of intellectual curiosity. In addition, the law includes requirements related to publication of the code and annual disclosures. Self-nominations and referral applications are encouraged. VA recipients not qualifying for the Yellow Ribbon program will be considered for Rensselaer merit based scholarships and grants. Thereafter, a student who is not making SAP will no longer be eligible to receive federal aid until s/he regains SAP or is granted federal financial aid probation. Repayment begins nine months after a student is no longer in attendance on a half-time basis. Irene and Robert P. Bozzone 55 Fellows in Management and Technology for graduate students enrolled in the management and technology MBA program. Federal Direct Loan (Unsubsidized) The Office of Graduate Education awards Rensselaer Graduate Fellowships and the schools and departments award fellowships and research assistantships, teaching assistantships, and scholarships. Jeduka All Rights Reserved. Full details on all federal financial aid programs may be found at Edward A Saibel Fellowship for graduate study in mechanical engineering. For complete details, visit the Office of Financial Aid Web site ( The HEOA program participation agreement, which must be executed by all institutions participating in Title IV financial aid programs including student loan programs, requires a code of conduct with which the institutions officers, employees, and agents shall comply. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2020 Video Home to the most powerful supercomputer at a private university. Just another site All Rensselaer scholarships and grants are awarded based upon full-time attendance. Rensselaer Grant, Rensselaer Access Grant, President's Assistance . The actual details may vary. Yamada Corporation Fellowship for graduate study for Japanese citizens. Federal Work-Study Program This is a need-based program for students with a substantial financial need. Academic. degree in industrial and management engineering from Rensselaer in 1992. Students denied federal financial aid for failure to make satisfactory academic progress may appeal through the Office of Financial Aid. Recipients of the Rensselaer Tuition Remission benefit are not eligible to receive other Rensselaer scholarships or grants unless the student would otherwise receive Rensselaer aid that would exceed the Tuition Remission benefit. by chloe calories quinoa taco salad. When students withdrawfrom all classes prior to the end of a term, their billing account is reviewed to identify the amount of tuition, fees, and other charges they remain responsible to pay. A full-time assistant receives an academic year stipend and tuition scholarship, and is responsible for 20 hours of work each week. Student Consumer Information These forms entitle the applicant to consideration for all financial aid administered by Rensselaer. Students who may be candidates for these programs are urged to contact the Office of Financial Aid. School of Architecture students may receive awards for up to 10 semesters of undergraduate study. Returning students seeking summer session financial aid are required to submit the Rensselaer Summer Financial Aid Application. Students enrolled in the co-terminal program are considered undergraduate students for financial aid purposes and are instructed to file the FAFSA as a student who has not yet completed a Bachelors degree. In general, the maximum amount to be retained by the student will be no more than the difference between the finalized tuition charges minus the amount of Federal and Institutional aid the student is eligible to retain. Students also must pay for round-trip transportation to Rensselaer. There is no minimum grade point average required for renewal each year. A student who has utilized eight semesters of eligibility (10 if in Architecture or co-terminal) seeking institutional aid must appeal in writing with an academic plan from his/her adviser outlining the coursework needed for graduation. Apr 2020 - Present3 years. Recipients may receive this award for a maximum of eight semesters of full-time undergraduate study. The Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) is described below. Student must complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). I am also involved in a ton of extracurriculars, and I have volunteered for 3+ hours/week for the last ~5 years. (i) In GeneralIn this paragraph, the term gift means any gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, stock, or other item having a monetary value of more than a de minimus amount ($25 per year). Students should contact the Direct Loan Servicing Center ( for specific information. Rensselaer Medal Award First presented in 1916, the Medal is a merit-based scholarship awarded to promising secondary school juniors who have distinguished themselves in mathematics and science. The Garnet D. Baltimore Rensselaer Award and Scholarship for Minority Students This annual scholarship is awarded to the qualifying African American, Hispanic, or Native American student with the highest combined average in mathematics and science at each of the Institutes two- and four-year affiliated colleges. Dr. Andrew N. Dasheff 89 Memorial Fellowship for graduate study in chemistry. Conversely, waiver of the C (2.00) cumulative GPA requirement alone in a term does not affect a students subsequent eligibility for the one-time waiver of the NYSHESC standards. The Joseph H. Smith Jr. 45 Award This award was created for the most outstanding student in the engineering science program at the Institutes affiliated community colleges. Students are advised to exhaust other Direct Loan eligibility prior to applying for a Graduate PLUS loan. By Daily Freeman |. Increases in the award are subject to the availability of funds. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute President Shirley Ann Jackson was recognized by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for her outstanding contributions to the community. A Yellow Ribbon recipient is not eligible to receive other Rensselaer merit or grant aid programs. ROTC Room & Board Scholarship The ROTC Room & Board Scholarship is awarded to all ROTC scholarship recipients attending on a full-time basis. An EFC is determined by evaluating family income and assets. rensselaer leadership award amountchicago religious demographics. Generally, outside aid will be treated as follows: first, it will be used toward any unmet need in your package. Howard P. Isermann 42 Fellowships for graduate study in chemical engineering. Repayment of Federal Direct Loans An award of Federal Work Study employment is not a guarantee of a job. Eligibility is based on financial need. Recipients receive one of these awards for a maximum of eight semesters of full-time undergraduate study. The Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCESS-VR) agency can assist with questions about access to a full range of services for disabled persons. 10 Scholarships for Students Studying Environmental Science, 11 Scholarships Offered for Asian American and Pacific Islander Students, 11 Scholarships for Women to Celebrate Womens History Month, Suffolk University Supports, Celebrates First-Generation Students. The 2018-2019 interest rate is 5.05%. Contact. Students entering Rensselaer with ROTC scholarships receive an additional scholarship covering the average cost of on-campus room and board.