You will have the following parts, enough for exactly two hives: Step 8. Hi I am new to beekeeping taking a class actually and have yet to get bees, hives, etc but trying to do my research first. The basic Langstroth hive is composed of seven basic parts: hive stand, bottom board, hive body (also known as the brood chamber, brood nest, brood box, and deep box/deep super), queen excluder (optional), honey super (usually a shallow box), inner cover and telescoping outer cover. I had some scrap wood that I used for it. Would you share with me your insight and experience in wintering honey bees in a horizontal hive? Well be selling prints in the future, but just not at this time. Your support matters. These are the walls. Plot of carbon-dioxide clearance efficiency at different values of T Due to its more compact nature, an 8-frame hive is cozier and better-insulated, which is perfect for winter. High honey yields and easy expansion make it an excellent choice for commercial beekeeping. Langstroth's hive's distinctive look comes from the portico, the. Im very interested in purchasing one. Im a big fan of ventilation in my Langstroth hives and think seriously about your judgment and looking forward to spring to install my bees. While Odin ever-awaited new arrivals, it was the Valkyries who remained vigilant and watchful, presiding over earths battlefields to choose who would be taken aloft. Much to the chagrin of the developers of the Valkyrie, I did drill ventilation ports. I have been researching long hives and intend to build one. Bees tend to move up instead of using the two extra frames. In comparison, 8-frame beehives are lighter when full, which make them easier to handle if standard hives are too heavy. The receiving colony could also be dusted with sugar powdered to help busy and distract them from the incoming bees. Bearding appears without insulation. Frames can use foundation or be foundationless . A green frame manufactured specifically with drone-size cells is another option to offer the colony. Long Langstroth Hive Accepts 31 regular deep frames. I own four long hives (not the Valkyrie) but have only had one with a colony going into one winter, and two with a colony going into another winter. A special filling material used in the top cover and side walls of Thermo Hives provides thermal insulation, offering a suitable habitat for the colony in different climateconditions. Nice .. our hive producer makes similar hives, but the frames are deeper and larger I have been thinking of switching to something like this for a while now, I think it would be so much easier than fighting with the regular boxes. The Valkyrie long hive: built with love for bees and their keepers Check for square and use a bar clamp to pull it in square if its out of line. Cordless drill; small bit for pilot holes; 1/2 bit for entrance; driver bits for screws. The February, 2020 issue of American Bee Journal has an informative, research-quoted article, The Condensing Colony authored by Bill Hesbach. The year-round wool insulation above the canvas cover completes the intended function of the Valkyrie. Oh, thanks Vivien. Build The Original Langstroth Hive | Bee Culture You will have fewer boxes to purchase and inspect. The Valkyrie would travel first to Los Angeles from Oregon, and then onto France. To attach, predrill holes and attached with glue and screws. (Note: 1 extra deep frame of honey can weigh up to 20 pounds.) Consider taking a look at our hive kits, available for both 10-frame and 8-frame hives, or our fully assembled 10-frame and 8-frame hives. Horizontal Langstroth Hive Rework - The Surly Curmudgeon Contact us using the form on the right, or give us a call! Im interested in exploring long hives. Please keep me posted on any news on these top bar hives. In my oven at home, I turn the dial to change the temperature; I dont weld extra steel to the sides, top, or bottom. Ive heard there are a few up here in western Washington, but I dont know who they are, so Im hoping some will see these posts and join in. Wow, that hive body looks fantastic! This Long Langstroth Hive is basically a long deep box made from two by materials, and his claim is that it is low maintenance for the bees, and less lifting for the beekeeper. Note: I have no affiliation with and give them the credit for providing free plans! Perhaps theyll contact you on this site, or I can gladly encourage them to do so! Step 16. Once I had the two by materials cut, I set up an dado stack on my table saw to cut the frame rests in the long boards, and then dado on the ends to accept the sides. I understand John is considering to sandwich an insulate material on the built sides. Easy to use and one hive actually made it through the harsh Minnesota winter this year! : ) Isnt it true that burr-comb of some sort will happen in every hive body horizontal or vertical? Cut a rabbet 3/8 by 3/4 along the top inner edge of the long boards. If the insulation is not wet, then it is doing its job in allowing the colony to maintain the temperature of their choosing, including high humidity that brings some moisture needed by the bees. Because 10-frame hives hold two more frames, bees have more room to lay eggs and produce a bigger food supply, which also means you can harvest extra honey. P.S. [I would be interested, like Michelle, in plans for your superb hive. I Fixed The Langstroth Hive (For The Bees AND The Keeper!) Step 1. Horizontal hive (long lang) plans and pics - Beesource Beekeeping Forums I try not to miss any of your postings. The beekeeper can easily read the colonys need and provision them with a foundationless frame that allows the colony to build what they desire and within the frame. In this video, you will learn how to insulate a 9 5/8 deep brood box, to create a permanently insulated hive which will keep your bees warm in the winter and. The innovative all-round double layer insulation helps keeping the colony warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Hopefully by next spring my husband will have built a second Long Langstroth hive and I can put the second colony in it, omit the supers and add vented gable roofs. Mitchell took 2.3 million temperature measurements from 12 hives 8 different styles. 1-11/16 wide, with one long edge cut at an angle. but in the long run I believe they will be worth the money spent up front. Please note: some beeks have been very creative with modifications to the Valkyrie, after purchase and assembly. Check out his plans at . *You may notice slight variations among different references. LH24 - Lazutin Hive 24 Frame $750.00. Hi Rodney, and thank you for your question. Sorry, that\'s all we know. If its laid out correctly, all the parts you need can be made from the plywood. My thermal camera detected a winter colony pushed up against their inner cover, while heat was escaping from the hives bottom. However, the bees natural inclination is to move vertically as in a hollow tree cavity, and in a horizontal hive we are asking them to change what they have been doing for ages. Thank you so much for your informationlooking forward to hearing from you again! Assemble with 3-1/2 screws, three screws per corner. Now that I reread Johns comment, Im still not sure. I was thinking I would move toward this type of hive as the Langstroth is just impossible for me. The location is mountainous terrain at 4200-feet backed by ponderosa pine and Douglas-firs. The Valkyrie in the shop awaiting transport shows 2 1/2 fat from the slats to the bottom of the bottom bar in a standard deep frame. THEY ARE THE BEST. Youre welcome, Rodney, Rusty is the best! Wrapping with tar paper is easy. However, I have worked with top-bar hives for about ten yearsone of my own and many as a volunteer at a prison. Next the wood is cut to length, any length from 7-10 is ideal. Some beekeepers call a box a super regardless of the size or purpose. We have a saying in the U.K. that damp kills bees, not cold. I might get one for my partner in crime! Thanks for the write up. You can fit more hives in a smaller area of land, perfect for small backyards and smaller beeyards. View of the inside. This will produce four 30-1/2 legs with one end slanted at 45. Vital Stats and Materials List for the Langstroth Hive - dummies However, if weight may be an issue for you, you should consider an 8-frame hive for easy lifting, inspection and honey removal. The Apimaye Medium Insulated Super for Langstroth Beehive, while an expensive option, is the best product on the market for raising . Also, if you get a Valkyrie, be sure to report back. Step 5. These are frame rests. The back is 2-1/8" wide. Sprung from a faithful constant (the Valhalla) to embrace an evolving field of bee biology, the Valkyrie Long Hive has emerged. Preferences vary among beekeepers, and what works for one may not work for another. However, bees tend to move up before using the two extra frames in 10-frame hives because they instinctively inhabit smaller spaces, such as hollow tree trunks. We had the hive out in the parking lot, I bet there were looks from all over, wondering what we were up to! Cut the two-by-twelve board into four pieces: 44-13/16 (2) and 21-3/8 (2). The insulation will compensate from the extra volume that the bees will have to heat up. Hopefully, we wont have to undergo an impromptu testing but, hey, it just might survive! One caveat: if the frames from the Flow Hive are shallow/Western/medium-sized, be sure to harvest them at the first opportunity dont leave them inside the Valkyrie too long or the ladies will draw comb on the bottom bar of the frame. These are applicable to the Valkyrie Long Hive, and I cant speak for other horizontal hives. High legs mean convenient hive visits and no mice and possums to worry about. But thats my opinion. FREE shipping Add to . The Long Langstroth Hive (aka Long Hive or Valkyrie Hive) is gaining popularity due to all frames being on one level, with no heavy boxes to lift. I asked Vivien to give me a run-down of the Valkyrie features in her own words, and here is what she has to say: In the glorious halls of Valhalla, slain Norse warriors were transported by the Valkyries to enjoy the thrill of never-ending battle. If you have a pneumatic staple gun, use it with 1 staples. Id like to get a group together to compare notes on using the Valkyrie and trade management ideas. Step 15. This is the place to learn everything you need to know about natural beekeeping with foundationless beehives. Using Langstroth's hive, it was now much easier to inspect and attend to the bees, and of course, to collect the honey. Drill 1/2 holes on each end of the entrances and then connect them with a router and or jig saw. I can also padlock them easier than a vertical hive. Have a wonderful weekend! Lorenzo Langstroth in the mid-19th century and features removable frames that the bees build comb in. Various size screws - 1 1/4 and 3 are what I used. If the long Langstroth has honey supers on top, then youre still needing to lift a pretty hefty weight once the frames are full of honey, right? Just pull back as much as you need. You can complete this project using a variety of tools. Long Langstroth hive design questions - Beesource Beekeeping Forums Capacity: Because this design consists of modular, interchangeable hive parts, you can add extra medium honey supers as the colony grows and honey production increases. The honey bee is an insect and is preeminently a bee; honeybee is equivalent to Johnsmith. The Valhalla hive was unique in many ways, including the fact it used standard Langstroth frames. Long Langstroth - RP Beeworks Youll have a strip approx. (Alternative: if you do not have a router to cut this rabbet, you can just screw the bottom onto the hive box, with no rabbet cut. It will fit tightly and will usually stay put. I will keep my other 3 colonies going in traditional Langstroth hives and will be happy to share my experience and comparisons with this new style long hive in the months to come. Natural Beekeeping | Horizontal Hives | Do-It-Yourself Plans I used four 3 screws into each leg. Drone cells will be built in the space between boxes of vertical hives and even in horizontal hives like the Valkyrie with its designed space under frames. Im not sure how to do it yet, but I want to set up a section where long-hive beekeepers, especially Valkyrie and Valhalla beekeepers, can compare notes. LXDF - Lazutin Extra Deep Frame $14.00. Making a gable roof for pretty looks and improved insulation. She decided she needed a system to insulate the underside. The entire hive (not including frames) will be shipped in two boxes.