Rukminis volunteer work throughout medical school involved mentoring and research into healthcare education in traditionally underserved communities. Sam received the student teacher award two years in a row. What is the MSPE Noteworthy Characteristics Section? Degree, Requesting Absences from Scheduled Classes and/or Clerkships, Absence Student Requested Medical Leave of Absence, Involuntary Extension of Program Required by UNR Med, Terms for Removal from Academic Probation and Suspension, Returning Medical Students Clinical Clerkships and Electives, Student Substance Use and Drug Testing Policy, Exposure to Infectious and Environmental Hazards, Satisfactory Academic Progress For Medical Student Financial Aid, Student Organizations and Interest Groups. Within the MSPE,itsconsidered fairly important,typically viewed as the second most important section after your clerkship rotation evaluations. Limit the MSPE to 7 single-spaced pages in 12-point font. Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE) Medical School Information Page, 2017-2018 NOTEWORTHY CHARACTERISTICS <Your noteworthy bullet points go here. University of Nevada, RenoSchool of Medicine Homepage. Silpa enjoys National Public Radio, especially programs such as Morning Edition and Hidden Brain. TOLL-FREE: 866-DR2B-AUC(866-372-2282) endstream endobj 188 0 obj <. It includes in full the summative comments as they appear in clerkship evaluations. As part of the Humanism elective, Sam introduced multiple short stories and essays focusing on social justice and patient advocacy for group discussion. The NC's should be . You have three noteworthy characteristics. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Ms. Doe gave birth to a son this past August. Any crucial evaluations from September and/or October that do not make it into the MSPE may be added later and your MSPE may be re-uploaded to ERAS. Clark cares about his fellow students, hes thoughtful, and is interested in a specific artform that illustrates both attention to detail and an appreciation of traditional crafts. Noteworthy Characteristics Bullet Points The purpose of this section is to showcase your unique activities and/or achievements primarily during medical school. The MSPE has a standardized format which allows us to describe your character as a person, summarize your academic career and highlight your best qualities. Some schools recommend a target word length of 40-50 wordstotalperentry, but this is not a part of theAMAs MSPE Task Force recommendations. . The . Identifying information - AAMC Wendy was instrumental in designing a new curriculum and expanding the program to additional Portland City schools. Select the Get form button to open the document and begin editing. endstream endobj startxref This section should be presented as a bulleted list. Examples of situations students have elected to write about in the past are: Available meeting dates are posted on MedScope for students to select. This faculty member can be very helpful in reviewing your scholastic record and personal characteristics to assess your competitiveness for the chosen specialty and for specific programs. Please . The generalrule is to choose qualities, achievements, or experiences that are vital to understanding who you are, while alsoarentfully represented in other application materials like your CV or personal statement. BeMo is trusted by students and is the author of multiple Amazon bestselling books with hundreds of 5-star reviews. Built with MkDocs . 358 0 obj <>stream We will also review your fourth-year plans, discuss the process of obtaining letters of recommendation, and explain the function of the Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE). While clerkship evaluations are often viewed as the most important part of the MSPE, your Noteworthy Characteristics are almost equally weighed by most residency programs. 14 mrspencernorth 6 yr. ago This is great advice and very close to what I ended up doing. Pick 3 things that describe you and that you can highlight in 2 sentences. The research, entitled "Laparoscopic Splenectomy in a community hospital setting: short-term outcomes, feasibility and cost-analysis was delivered to tremendous praise at the annual International Conference on Community Health Systems in Toronto, Ontario. What makes your different from other applicants? Information about any significant challenges or hardships encountered by the student during medical school may be included. Its residency after allmost medical students are so nervous and excited about moving into specialty training that the urge to be wordy and heavily self-marketing would be all but irresistible were there no limit. In this MSPE section, studentsmust provide a maximum of three characteristics highlighting the most salient noteworthy characteristics of their lives. hTO? Include six sections: Identifying Information, Noteworthy Characteristics, Academic History, Academic Progress, Summary, and Medical School Information. Update your CV (see examples in For example, some evaluations contain multiple quotes with repetitive information. Please see the full MSPE Recommendations for more detailed guidance on content in each section. Therefore, the AAMC suggests that the student's "Noteworthy Characteristics" be pre- You are also encouraged to shadow a physician in your fields of interest to better understand the field. Consider organizing your entries chronologically, or from difficult beginnings to a triumphant present. Read on to discover the tips on how to study for medical school. Pro Tips for How to Write the MSPE | Elite Medical Prep The bullet points are written in the third person by the student and may be edited by Student Affairs. Provide a maximum of three characteristics highlighting the most salient noteworthy characteristics of the student. Any changes in the content of the third and fourth-year evaluations must come directly from the clerkship directors and preceptors. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. 592 0 obj <> endobj 606 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<21F0F77666A19C4D9E2C6B9120CD835C><6213D5CF03C344B1AD0484BCE225F3BB>]/Index[592 25]/Info 591 0 R/Length 85/Prev 523866/Root 593 0 R/Size 617/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream As a son of parents who emigrated from Vietnam, Mr. Lam is a first-generation college graduate as . Conversely, dont whitewash hardship either. Noteworthy Characteristics If you are a university, business, or student organization representative and want to partner with us, visit our partnerships page. VMXI"HE-+zA^zv4qR}N\P5vlpM1YXiYo9CgxDi+mjuCGk9"6!o Entering Noteworthy Characteristics. Think of the Noteworthy Characteristics like frosting on your MSPE cake. For example, if there was a significant gap between your undergraduate career and your entrance into medical school, give a brief (one or two sentence) explanation of what you accomplished during that time. In 2016, the AAMC MSPE Task Force released recommendations for revising the MSPE that emphasized increased standardization across schools and inclusion of grading rubrics and comparative performance data. Although they are taken from actual letters (so as to be realistic), the names have been changed and the information has been scrambled. Hilde passed her USMLE Step-1 examination only two weeks after the death of her father due to complications from coronary artery disease. Published: May 13, 2021. endstream endobj 166 0 obj <. 187 0 obj <> endobj Here are some MSPE Noteworthy Characteristics examples worth including: Students should NOT include the following in their MSPE letter: You always receive an amusing answer when you ask a child, What do you want to be when you grow up?, 10315 USA TODAY WAY, that can be removed. Henry was the Treasurer and then President of the Emergency Medicine Interest Group. PDF Noteworthy Characteristics Preparation for the MSPE Please send any questions or suggestions to Jack has shown an interest in teaching and peer mentorship, as demonstrated by his service as a peer educator in two required courses. However, with a strict limit of 40 words or less for each entry, this section is notoriously difficult for many students. It describes, in a sequential manner, your performance through three full years of medical . To view a sample MSPE, click here. of what is appropriate content for this section and meet with your MSPE advisor to craft your points.> Being able to curate or edit these entries is incredibly important in helping to both characterize and/or offset any potentially questionable aspects of the rest of your MSPE. So, in most cases, youll be doing the heavy lifting on this section, with editing and final say provided by your MSPE evaluators. This sample includes changes that were recommended by the AAMC for the graduating class of 2017. If this is the case, work with your MSPE writers to determine how to proceed. Noteworthy Characteristics Bullet Points The purpose of this section is to showcase your unique activities and/or achievements primarily during medical school. 4. Jared contracted COVID-19 while volunteering in the university free clinic, and accordingly took a 1-month leave to recover during his M3 year. The spring conference will be held April 18-20, 2023. Our site uses cookies. While schools differ somewhat on this, typically the studentis asked to draft a list of 3 or more Noteworthy Characteristics to bring to their MSPE meeting near the end oftheirM3 year. Other information that is unnecessary includes the length of the clerkship and whether it was their first clerkship, etc., as this information is included elsewhere. Examples: During her third year as a medical student, Zoe served as President of the Surgery Interest Group. My 4th MSPE noteworthy Characteristic : r/medicalschool - reddit Performing well in a rotation and having a positive comment about the details of that performance is great, but theres not a lot of your personality or greater sense of direction or purpose in these. Zed had an acute medical problem during the last few weeks of Functional Systems, and this likely affected his ability to perform at his best on the last exam. You do. Have a question? SHOW, don't just tell! Some schools offer lists of writing prompts for noteworthy characteristics, which mostly follow the format of medical school and residency interview questions. Examples: 1. As President, she organized several suture and phlebotomy workshops. MSPE Letter for Typical Student Page 1 of 10 Medical Student Performance Evaluation for Typical Student October 1, 2017 Identifying Information Typical Student is a fourth-year student at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, Illinois. BeMo's founder and CEO, Dr. Behrouz Moemeni, PhD, has been featured on TEDx, US News & World Report, Diverse Issues in Higher Education, University World News and Nature blogs. Try to talk to as many people as possible to learn as much as possible about specialties of interest to you. 2023 American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine. Becoming a doctor definitely has its challenges, but there are ways to overcome them. Research is its own self-contained section in the ERAS application itself, and will also be noted on the CV. Include six sections: Identifying Information, Noteworthy Characteristics, Academic History, Academic Progress, Summary, and Medical School Information. Consider the 6-word short story erroneously attributed to Ernest Hemingway: For sale: baby shoes, never worn. In 6 words the anonymous author conjures an entire universe of somber emotions and implications, while simply showing whats there and, crucially, suggesting a great deal about what isnt there. All rights reserved. PDF Noteworthy Characteristics Bullet Points Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE) | Virginia Tech Carilion (see MSPE example at end of this document for reference) Past tense She has participated in a local radio podcast on WYPR on medical student life. Ms. Doe worked with Dr. John Hernandez to develop and characterize a line of conditionally immortalized human mesenchymal stem cells; she presented this work at the 2016 Orthopedic Research Society Annual Meeting. PDF MSPE Noteworthy Characteristics Worksheet - Rocky Vista University << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> If you could change one thing about your country's healthcare system, what would it be? In some cases,a Deans Lettermay be acceptable, butmany if not most residency programs will be lesspositive aboutyour application if itdoesnthave a document similar in content/breadthto the MSPE. PDF Medical Student Performance Evaluation for Typical Student October 1 Yuna was a student teacher in the Prematriculation Summer Program where she mentored and supported selected students through a predefined curriculum. This is not the time for lengthy biographical descriptions, however, due to the time required for review and because these details can be found in other sections of your portfolio, such as in the ERAS application, personal statement, letters of recommendation, or the personal interview. 6.AAg`J} ` w Ivan worked with Dr. Peter Pendragon to develop and characterize a line of conditionally immortalized human mesenchymal stem cells. unusual experiences, research, Peace Corps, etc. During her second year, Ms. Doe served as President of the American Medical Student Association. For those of you who signed up for a mentor, he/she is a good place to start. Numerous students who participated in these interviews and matriculated have sought out Xin as a peer mentor during their M1 years. Each characteristic should be described in 2 sentences or less. At the outset of drafting your Noteworthy Characteristics, you should take time to really examine how youve ended up where you are, and what experiences have shaped you along the way. She has performed in the hospital for patients and staff, at Match Day, White Coat and Graduation ceremonies. Achievements in scholarship or research, including publications, Leadership in student organizations and volunteering, Explanations of difficulties or obstacles youve overcome. We guarantee you'll get accepted. %PDF-1.6 % The six sections of your MSPE are: Identifying Information: this is your basic information such as your name. Career Advising. This section of the MSPE is limited to 3 entries of no more than 2 sentences each. Include details on professionalismboth deficient and exemplary performance. (for example, % clinical assessment, % shelf exam, % case write-up, % OSCE, etc.) This also highlights one of the central tensions of the Noteworthy Characteristics sectiontrying to tell a story without getting bogged down in an unwieldy narrative. It may be beneficial to attend Brown Bag Lunches presented by various specialty interest groups. A US-modeled curriculum designed to prepare you for practice in the US, Canada, and beyond. 2013- BeMo Academic Consulting Inc. Noting that you had a life-changing experience saving someone from bleeding out after a car accident is much more impactful than simply stating that you have a talent for emergency medicine. Check out some samples of MSPE noteworthy characteristics: Returning to our point about Noteworthy Characteristics smoothing out some of the more jagged edges of your experience and performance, its important to strike a balance between positive and negative aspects when describing difficult situations that youve overcome. All medical schools are required to submit an MSPE for each student with their residency applications. Sincerely, SAMPLE. Consider this series of entries for someone applying to internal medicine residency programs: Rukmini received departmental TA awards two years in a row during M2 and M3, and has shown strong desire to continue on in pedagogical roles following residency. In the course of Merediths research on the reversibility of epigenetic mutations, she formulated new approaches to CRISPR-Cas editing that have proven instrumental in validating departmental therapeutic approaches. Explore All Resources & Services for Students & Residents, American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS), Medical School Admission Requirements (MSAR), Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP), Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS), Visiting Student Learning Opportunities (VSLO), Financial Information, Resources, Services, and Tools (FIRST), Explore All Resources & Services for Professionals, Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) for Institutions, ERAS Program Directors WorkStation (PDWS), Faculty Roster: U.S. Medical School Faculty, Diversity in Medicine: Facts and Figures 2019, Supplemental ERAS Application Data and Reports, Government Relations Representatives (GRR), Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE), NEW May 2022 MSPE Guidance for Disruptions Related to COVID-19, GSA COSA MSPE Effective Practices Working Group Roster, Race-Conscious Admissions in Medical Education, Action Collaborative for Black Men in Medicine, CGEA 2023 Spring Conference Registration Now Open, Competency-Based Medical Education (CBME). The Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE) is a major part of the residency application process. And by all means, always give preference to the comments of your MSPE committee. You will be asked to submit a draft curriculum vitae (CV) and your noteworthy characteristics bio bullets to student affairs. ). Tip #2: Accentuate the Positive, but Dont Eliminate the Negative, Additional Sample Noteworthy Characteristic Samples. PDF Residency Career Advising MSPE Bullet Point Worksheet Carleton served as clinic coordinator and volunteered with the student-run UCLA HIV/AIDS clinic in downtown Los Angeles. Note: If you want us to help you with your applications, interviews and/or standardized tests, book a free strategy call. Previous Next. a crucial piece of information for program directors and are considered by many to be the most important section of the MSPE in determining applicants for . University of Nevada, RenoSchool of Medicine, Expand or Collapse to view popular links for this site, Expand or Collapse to view links grouped by top level headings, 1664 North Virginia Street Despite these hardships, she has distinguished herself in academics and athletics, receiving multiple awards and scholarships based on strong performance in both of these dimensions. Mr. Rey is the first member of his family to graduate from college. Get a lot of feedback on your statement from your advisor and others (see examples in This is almost always delivered in your own words. stream does not support this web browser. If you have questions or concerns about the narrative sections, these should be addressed directly with your MSPE writer. PDF Provide a maximum of three characteristics highlighting the most During his clinical rotations, Mr. Doe assisted in Cholecystectomy vs Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy database analysis at St. Marys Hospital in Waterbury, Connecticut. Privacy Policy|Student Consumer Information| Online Cookie Policy| Accessibility| Catalog and Student Handbook| Office of Equity and Access, This is a test modal to make sure the pop out can be applied to select elements through the use of a custom class, How to write a personal statement for medical school, What is a personal statement for medical school? MSPE Noteworthy Characteristics - University of Nevada, Reno . But with constraint comes the demand for creativity, and you and your evaluators will need to be surgically preciseand downright artfulto make these stand out. If Courtenay simply noted that she was the first person in her family to attend university, she likely wouldnt be alone in doing so among the rest of her potential cohort. However, upon recovery he undertook additional elective rotations in internal medicine to make up for the loss of time and excelled in each instance. The student, along with other students, used a hotel room during a medical school event and were cited for causing minor damage to the room. Medical schools differ in this to some extent, but in most cases, youll be asked to schedule a meeting with your MSPE evaluatorsusually a group of faculty and Deanssometime in the Spring of your M3 year. Naama received the Certificate of Outstanding Achievement in Research for her research studying the use of peri-operative glucocorticoids on transsphenoidal surgery outcomes. From our alumni news, to informative blogs, and virtual tour, discover all that AUC offers.