January 25, 2016. Provide or refer pregnant and postpartum persons who are at increased risk of perinatal depression to counseling interventions. Blue Care Network HMO and POS members. 2023 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina. For most women, mammogram technology is still considered the best way to detect breast abnormalities and cancers early. It often forms in the tubes that carry milk to the nipple (ducts) and in glands that make milk (lobules). Ordering physicians may also contact the AIM physician reviewer at any time during the authorization process. Blue Cross NC is an abbreviation for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina. We will work with the physician community through our Diagnostic Imaging Management Advisory Group to assure that there is no negative impact on the quality of patient care as a result of this initiative. 2023 Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota, Please wait while your form is being submitted, Directory Validation Instructions (No Surprises Act), Recredentialing & Credentialing Applications. Cost estimates are based only on the coverage you have with us. The protection of your privacy will be governed by the privacy policy of that site. 3D mammograms may be covered by your health plan. Call the National Information Center at 1-800-411-BLUE (2583) weekdays from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern time. Blue Cross NC is an abbreviation for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina. Breast cancer risk factors include: Check with your doctor if you have questions about mammograms or other breast cancer screenings. All women need to be informed by their healthcare provider about the best screening options for them. should confirm that a prior approval number has been issued. (MAMMOGRAPHY) (Coverage Policy 2011018) USPSTF Recommendation. Diagnostic mammograms more frequently than once a year, if medically necessary. What are the goals of the diagnostic imaging management program? Who can physicians call if they have questions? MRI of the breast may be considered medically necessary for individuals with silicone implants whenEITHERof the following are met: MRI of the breast may be considered medically necessary for individuals with no history of known breast cancer, MRI of the breast may be considered medically necessary for individuals with history of known breast cancer. Estimate Costs: Colonoscopy, Mammogram, MRI & More | BCBSNE - NebraskaBlue Immunizations for you and your family. Is the program focused mainly on saving money? To learn if your patient's plan requires prior approval for these services, please reference the diagnostic imaging procedures page. Do practicing North Carolina physicians have input into the program? Provider Manual . No. 25 - 29.9: overweight. What information is required to request prior approval? For evaluation of breast lesion, identifying whether single or multi-focal, in individual with diagnosed breast cancer; For evaluation of suspicious mass, lesion, distortion or abnormality of breast in individual with history of breast cancer. Preventive Care Guidelines. mammogram for women between ages 35-39. Mammograms are a key component of a womens preventative care. Documentation requires a medical reason that clearly indicates why additional imaging is needed for the type and area(s) requested. Thanks in part to preventive screenings, there are approximately 2.8 million breast cancer survivors in the U.S. as of 2016. 0 listed below will be covered by your plan. Cancer and Hospital Insurance | Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas hb```,z@ (Mf`X b`Fe~F9}mS6.awa`\V_RQ g-e0 Counseling. To view this file, you may need to install a PDF reader program. Discover all the ways members can earn wellness incentives and rewards for taking an active role in their health. Some state or federal mandates [e.g., Federal Employee Program (FEP)] prohibits plans from Screening mammograms every 12 months if you are a woman age 40 or older. This screening is no cost to you. Most breast cancers are found in women 50 years old and older. A Pap test every 3 years or. , SM Marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, an association of independent Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans. Heres everything you need to know about it. Salpingectomy for sterilization purposes will be covered as preventive effective 7.1.22, Trans-dermal contraceptives (i.e., contraceptive patches), Diaphragms are available only through the pharmacy and IUDs are available only through a professional provider, If there is a medical reason you cannot take a generic contraceptive, your doctor should review this, Diaphragms, vaginal rings, contraceptive patches, female condoms, sponges, spermicides, and emergency contraception are available only with a prescription. Coverage - a BCBSMA news service - Blue Cross Blue Shield MA MediaRoom Download the BCBSIL App. A follow-up study may be considered medically necessary to help evaluate an individual's progress after treatment, procedure, intervention or surgery. Reimbursement Guidelines - Alphabetical Index, Reimbursement Guidelines - Categorical Index, Become a Blue Cross NC Provider or Recredential, Contact Information for Regional Network Management, Responsibilities of Primary Care Physicians (PCP) in 2008, IPP Coordination of Benefits Questionnaire. During your visit, your doctor will determine what tests or health screenings are right for you based on factors such as your age, gender, health status, and health and family history. Women ages 35-39 can receive one baseline mammogram(four views). Based on clinical criteria, AIM will issue a prior approval number or will forward requests to a nurse or physician if they require further review. Still, the overall benefit of 2D and 3D breast cancer screening outweigh any potential risks linked to radiation exposure. Approve annually starting at age 30; Individuals not yet tested for BRCA gene, but with known BRCA mutation in first degree relative. Health Plans for Individuals and Families, Get a Quote for Individual and Family Plans, Non-Discrimination Policy and Accessibility Services, medications and OTC nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), refer to the CDCs posted schedule of immunizations for more information. Standard 2D mammograms take two pictures of the breast. When it's diagnostic: If your doctor . The program is expected to assist Blue Cross NC in improving affordability for our members. Screening for depression in postpartum women. You usually need to get tested every 3 to 5 years. Theyre covered, lifesaving and nothing to fear. Screening for Breast Cancer Here's how to interpret your BMI: Below 18.5: underweight. Make sure to get all the screenings and vaccines recommended for your age and gender. A mammogram uses an X-ray to examine the breast tissue and can detect changes before you can feel them. Preventive Care. Dental, Life and Disability are offered by Florida Combined Life . Typical costs: For an uninsured patient, typical full-price cost of a mammogram ranges from $80 to $120 or more, with an average of about $102, according to Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina. Will this program impact members' ability to receive the tests they need? Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths among women in the U.S. How do 3D Mammograms Differ From Standard Ones? Use the subsidy calculator to enter your own . For evaluation of identified lesion, mass or abnormality in breast in. No coverage for routine physical examinations. Easy: Keeping up with your screenings is an important task, even in your busy life. PDF Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield - Portal.ct.gov Forgot User ID? The cost estimate changed prior to your care. As a result, we believe that Blue Cross NC is taking an important step for patient safety and in managing increased costs by implementing a diagnostic imaging managing program. Who Should Get It: Women age 40 and older, Who Should Get It: Age 50 - 80 and high risk due to smoking or other exposure, Who Should Get It: Age 10 - 24 with fair skin, Who Should Get It:Women who have personal or family history of breast, ovarian, tubal or peritoneal cancer or ancestry associated with breast cancer susceptibility, Who Should Get It:High-risk women age 35 and older without a prior diagnosis of breast cancer, ductal carcinoma in situ, or lobular carcinoma in situ, Who Should Get It:Women age 5059 under certain conditions, Who Should Get It:Adults aged 35 to 70 who are overweight or obese; certain women after pregnancy, Who Should Get It: Age 18 and older if at increased risk, Who Should Get It:Women age 65 and older, younger high-risk women, Who Should Get It:Adults aged 40-75 with certain risk factors, Who Should Get It:Pregnant women/women who have delivered a baby recently, Who Should Get It:Pregnant women at high risk for Preeclampsia, Who Should Get It: Pregnant and postpartum women, Who Should Get It: Women planning or capable of pregnancy, Who Should Get It:Sexually active women 24 years or younger and in women 25 years or older who are at increased risk of infection, Who Should Get It:Women who are sexually active or thinking about becoming sexually active. The program will apply to members covered by the following plans: Blue Options SM (group PPO plan), Blue Option HRA (group PPO plan), Blue Options HSA (group and individual PPO plan), Classic Blue (Group CMM plan), Dental Blue (group and individual dental plan), Blue Advantage (individual PPO), Short Term Health Care (individual CMM plan). Blue Cross NC has partnered with American Imaging Management, Inc. (AIM) for the management of outpatient, high-tech diagnostic imaging services. Scenario 2: Your claim for emtricitabine/tenofovir (generic Truvada) or Apretude is not paying at 100% and you are using it for PrEP. If you had a polyps removed during a previous preventive screening colonoscopy, future colonoscopies will be covered but may not be considered preventive so you may have out of pocket costs. It happens in both men and women, but breast cancer in men is not common. Annually about 220,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer. Women ages 40 and older can receive a mammogram (four views) each calendar year. Did you know that one in eight women will develop invasive breast cancer at some point in her life? You will be required to pay the plan's physician office copayment or coinsurance. Learn the facts, then schedule an appointment today! Examples of these services include: Initial evaluation. Hospitals and freestanding imaging centers that perform the imaging services cannot obtain the approval. Accessibility We believe that it is critical to carefully examine the appropriate use of outpatient, nonemergency diagnostic imaging procedures to make sure that the benefit of the procedure outweighs the risk. Many travel vaccines are not covered including: Your doctor will determine what tests or health screenings are needed based on your age, gender, and overall health status. The policies were effective for diagnostic imaging services performed on or after February 15, 2007 for Blue Cross NC commercial plans. Limited to a 90 day supply each for two cessation efforts. Lumps can be very difficult to feel on your own, which is why its recommended that women over the age of 40 receive regular mammograms. Copy. Our goal is to review diagnostic imaging tests to determine if each test is clinically appropriate for the specific situation. Tissue doesnt overlap. Understanding your preventive care benefits - Blue Shield of California Please review the terms of use and privacy policies of the new site you will be visiting. If you have a higher risk for breast cancer, talk to your doctor about screening, no matter how old you are. No. Provider consultation prior to the colonoscopy procedure is covered at 100%. However, some services like 3D imaging or ultrasounds may not be fully covered the same way.