2. In Minnesota, the WSI is calculated by accumulating a point for each day with an ambient temperature less than or equal to 0 degrees F and an additional point for each day with a snow depth of greater than or equal to 15 inches. But the data shows that Delaware, Maryland and Connecticut are actually the go-to states if you want a chance at killing a stud. Jackson Point rules require a buck to score at least 130 B&C or have a minimum 18-inch inside spread. This is the list thats generally referenced by most outdoor media. Sometimes, when a long quest finally ends, a hunter feels a twinge of disappointment. Schimmel said he often sees 150-class bucks on camera, but almost always at night. Schimmel was just about to complete his days objective when a doe perked up and peered into the distance. A big, symmetrical rack is a thing of beauty. As I write this on Tuesday, Miss Laura's daffodils are budding. I made a series of grunts, and I waited and waited. Browning Ammunition has two big-game hunting loads new for 2023 that are effective on a wide range of species: the Max Point and Silver Series. All Rights Reserved. Our No. Join the Whitetail Properties newsletter and get tips, recipes, web series, and inspiration from our Knowledge Center delivered straight to your inbox. Photo: John McCoy - Jerry Hill of Saulsville with the buck he killed in Wyoming County in 1986. I know of 2 B&C bucks killed in Baxter county. We have noted over the years how many hunters luck into killing giant bucks. For years in Columbia County two brothers and a guy named Kelley poached and killed thousands of deer in Columbia County. Things changed a little with this list, but not a lot. Mid October is early for rutting activity in most of Arkansas, but Hutchens said bucks commonly exhibit rutting activity during muzzleloader season. Apply online at agfc.com. Several Boone & Crockett record-book bucks have been taken out of Pulaski County, Kentucky, over the last several years, with the number growing each season. Northeast: It looks like Maryland and Connecticut are the best destinations in this region. Top 5 Typical Whitetails in the Last 10 Years. Southeast: And the southeast region almost goes three for three in keeping the same order. Its fun to speculate whats going on in Vernon County. He killed a good buck. Licensed in IN - Dan Bates, Broker. Im all about shooting mature deer. You can kill a monster whitetail anywhere in Arkansas, but the counties in the Mississippi River Alluvial Plain The Delta produce the overwhelming majority of the bucks that qualify for recognition by the Boone and Crockett Club.. If there is a federal government shutdown during the dates of a quota hunt, that hunt is cancelled, and permittees must leave the refuge. Its right beam is 29 2/8 inches, and its left beam is 29 4/8 inches. In the above video, NWTF's Jason Burckhalter talks about the group's accomplishments and future plans with Game & Fish Editorial Director Adam Heggenstaller at SHOT Show 2023 in Las Vegas. Personal defense in the hunting woods could involve taking down a charging bear. Issues may also exist for Safari users. The main beams were about 28 inches long and measured within 1/4-inch of each other. CX Outfitter, 180 gr. Hunting with modern firearms and muzzleloaders is limited to three controlled hunts. The James Martin-Skyline WMA has been expanded over recent years, and provides over 60,000 acres of public . Many in southeast Arkansas had a very poor season, and prospects probably won't improve until we start having long, cold winters again. In the last 10 years, 733,868 white-tailed bucks have been harvested in the Bluegrass State. of Wildlife and Parks Picked up by the Kansas Dept. Record-keeping systems, such as the Boone and Crockett Clubs, help to retain important information on what states are succeeding at conservation and quality deer management, and which ones arent. Year: 1966. This document may not be reprinted without the express written permission of Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. Material from the Associated Press is Copyright 2023, Associated Press and may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Otherwise, the fee participation will be at the sole discretion of the Broker and Whitetail Properties Real Estate, LLC. I believed that Ayecock's record would last at least another 40 years. That's the beauty of hunting. Licensed in CO, MN, ND, SD, TN & WI - Jeffrey Evans, Broker. West: Texas is still miles ahead of the other western states. Bass Crash Course: Topwater Pointers for Buzzbaits, Walking Baits, Tag the Best Pronghorn of Your Life This Season, Sweet Streams: 5 Hot Rivers for Midwest Smallies, Winchester Big Bore: Backcountry Bear Protection, Classic Marlin: 336 and 1894 Lever-Action Hunting Rifles, NWTF's Passion for Wild Turkey Conservation Still Burns After 50 Years, First Look: Leupold's BX-4 Range HD Rangefinding Binos, Browning's Max Point, Silver Series Rifle Ammunition, New Hunting Ammo from Remington: 360 Buckhammer, New from Browning: X-Bolt Pro LR McMillan, Hornady's Hot New 7mm PRC Cartridge: SHOT 2023, Hawke Optics' Frontier LRF Laser Range Finding Binoculars, New from LaRue Tactical: Siete Chassis Rifle. Yep even in Lafayette county the old timers ( my Dad and others talked about the old blue deer. Marlin is back in the game with the re-introduction of the classic 336 and 1894 lever-action hunting rifles. Plus, the cat has long been out of the bag that key midwestern states produce giants. Let's get Arkansas the credit it deserves and start registering the 160+ & 185+ deer. The brother-in-law, on the other hand, lamented what might have been. Winchester's Nathan Robinson talks features with Game & Fish Editorial Director Adam Heggenstaller at SHOT Show 2023 in Las Vegas. Hes had a lot of success, so his expectations are always high. This year, the rifle will be chambered in 7mm PRC, the hot new load that was a hit at SHOT Show 2023 in Las Vegas. Ohio drops down a few spots, confirming that its more of a non-typical-producing state. Gobble, gobble! Illinois continues to rank #2 for Boone and Crockett Club trophy whitetail with 1,445 total entries in the recently released sixth edition of the Club's "Records of North American Whitetail Deer." The 688-page book compiles state and provincial data of trophy whitetail deer and showcases states like Illinois that institute successful conservation measures to support healthy deer populations. Top 5 Non-Typical Whitetails in the Last 10 Years. On Sept. 15, Don Barnett of Bryant used a longbow to kill a massive black bear in Saline County that scored 21 7/16. Buyers' agents must be identified on the first contact with the Broker and must accompany the buyer on showings to receive full fee participation. The rack was a typical 12-point with 25- and 26-inch main beams. To hone our perspective even one more degree, this buck was killed on public land in the Ouachita National Forest of Scott County and is the new Arkansas state-record muzzleloader buck. Boone and Crockett Listings for Arkansas Arkansas top 10 B&C listings 160 and up for Typicals 185 and up for Non- Typicals This is up to date as of December 18, 2017 postings Because most of the land is privately owned, hunting pressure is light. JavaScript is disabled. Its never easy. And quite shocking in regard to the latter. 07/03/2022 . Midwest: Whats most shocking about this is that Iowa drops down to No. For the period 1980-1985, hunters entered 617 . At 7:45 a.m., the buck strolled under Bolts stand following does. For more information, call (870) 282-8200. Other deer hunters really love a big, nasty-looking buck with stickers, kickers and drop tines going every which way. Of course, an abundant mast crop allows deer to disperse. Kelley got caught and fined for killing and selling 400 plus deer in one 6 month period. The Broker (Whitetail Properties) does not assume liability for typographical errors, misprints, nor for misinformation that may have been given to us. Boone & Crockett Club. Buyers agents must be identified on the first contact with Broker/Agents and must accompany the buyer on showings to receive full fee participation. 11 and 16 (respectively) on the typicals per square mile of land mass list since 2008. In addition, the club has a walk-in cooler, a mechanized deer skinning apparatus and an airstrip. Licensed in NY - John Myers, Real Estate Broker. Just look at the top of theBoone and Crockett entries from last season. When I first shot, the ramrod fell out of muzzleloader, Hutchens said. Licensed in KY, ME & NH - Derek Fisher, Broker. The two controlled muzzleloader hunts run five days each and begin on the third and fourth Saturdays in October (October 20-24, 27-31). I think its going to make me pickier about killing bucks, Hutchens said. The rifle has five caliber offerings, two barrel choices and three different riser stocks. It takes a lot for a typical whitetail to reach B&C status. At the heart of it all is Phillips County, which abuts the Mississippi River roughly from Helena-West Helena southward almost to Snow Lake. His goal, he said, is to shoot mature bucks, and he said this latest buck will ratchet up his standards. Nathan Simmons of Browning and Game & Fish's John Taranto take a closer look at both cartridges at SHOT Show 2023 in Las Vegas. Hunting on Bayou La Grue, he killed his buck in late October because he said big deer in his area generally start becoming active around Halloween. Mass measurements range from 4 2/8 inches to 5 3/8 inches. They see years of dedication. It was cloudy, and the temperature was in the mid 50s. Heres a look at three of our best from the 2017-18 seasons. Keith Balfourd with the Boone and Crockett Club field-judged the photos for this story for your reference. Kentucky hunting leases may be exactly what you are looking for! I know it took some time. Thomas Sparks; Crawford County; 1975; 189 0/8; Boone & Crockett Club, 3. Print Headline: Typical whitetail record set in state. Special permits are not required for bowhunting, which is allowed from Oct. 1 through Dec. 31. You also have a greater chance than ever of killing a buck worthy of recognition by the Boone and Crockett and Pope and Young organizations. Looking at this list, several things are apparent. Schimmel said he avoided that by keeping his eyes off the prize and his mind on the objective. B&C Score: 206 1/8 One of the most famous world's record heads in Boone and Crockett Club history is the buck 22-year-old James Jordan killed near Danbury . The soils are rich in minerals that contribute to antler development, and the amount of natural and agricultural food for deer is astonishing. Farms adjacent to the refuge grow a lot of corn and soybeans, which provide excellent nutrition for deer in addition to forestland forage. The AP will not be held liable for any delays, inaccuracies, errors or omissions therefrom or in the transmission or delivery of all or any part thereof or for any damages arising from any of the foregoing. However, due to differences in the way each organization scored pronghorn trophies, the buck from 2011 ended up with a slightly lower Boone & Crockett score than this one. But bigger than that is the fact that Rhode Island (No. Boone and Crockett Club's involvement with records keeping actually goes all the way back to its very roots. This year, the rifle will be chambered in 7mm PRC, the hot new load that was a hit at SHOT Show 2023 in Las Vegas. Buck Score: 258 2/8 . The new 7mm Precision Rifle Cartridge from Hornady is available in three loads (160 gr. My first deer with a bow was a nice 10-point, so Ive been lucky on that end, Schimmel said. Licensed in AL, GA, LA, & MS - Sybil Stewart, Broker. The Winter Severity Index (WSI), a general measure of winter conditions based on the premise that prolonged cold temperatures and deep snow can reduce overwinter survival of whitetail deer, has been relatively low in Ottertail County over the past five years. He said he called up three or four bucks and suggested that we switch stands.. Looks very even on an area comparision. . It provides clarity in a world full of foggy confusion. All of those four are among the top 15 in the state in their respective category. Here we break down the top states for non-typical Boone and Crockett bucks per square mile of land mass since 2008 by region. Winchester's new Big Bore ammo, available in 10 mm, .44 Mag., .357 Mag., and .45 Colt, is specifically designed for big bears in bear country. The reason the midwestern states have long been heralded as the kings of deer hunting is in part due to their total land mass. Oklahoma in particular has become a duck-hunting hotspot. Even so, Schimmel was dismissive. Most hunters who say otherwise arent being entirely truthful with themselves. The woods were quiet until Hutchens heard his nephew fire. Sign up here. How to Add Casting Distance to Reach Bigger Fish, Spin to Win: Panfish Secrets for Catching Limits on Spinners, Backyard Ready: Grilling the Perfect Steak, 7 Things to Ponder Before Buying a Fishing Kayak, Best New Baitcasting Rods & Reels for 2022, Sweet Streams: 5 Hot Rivers for Midwest Smallies, Tag the Best Pronghorn of Your Life This Season, Winchester Big Bore: Backcountry Bear Protection, Classic Marlin: 336 and 1894 Lever-Action Hunting Rifles, NWTF's Passion for Wild Turkey Conservation Still Burns After 50 Years, First Look: Leupold's BX-4 Range HD Rangefinding Binos, Browning's Max Point, Silver Series Rifle Ammunition, New Hunting Ammo from Remington: 360 Buckhammer, New from Browning: X-Bolt Pro LR McMillan, Hornady's Hot New 7mm PRC Cartridge: SHOT 2023, Hawke Optics' Frontier LRF Laser Range Finding Binoculars, New from LaRue Tactical: Siete Chassis Rifle. Even the likes of Idaho and Washington have higher odds of crossing paths with one. As shown above, comparing total entries to entries per square mile of land mass tells two completely different stories especially outside of the top five. Allamakee County sits in the top spot for Iowa with 60 entries, which helps it rank number eight overall. Analyzing the data in this manner takes away the square-mile advantage that many bigger states such as Texas have over smaller states. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Ruger's popular American bolt-action rifle has been a hit with hunters for years. By extension, a greater number survive through successive seasons to reach ages where antlers begin to fulfill potential. In the above video, NWTF's Jason Burckhalter talks about the group's accomplishments and future plans with Game & Fish Editorial Director Adam Heggenstaller at SHOT Show 2023 in Las Vegas. Special permits are not required for bowhunting. To get started, click the link below to visit mymagnow.com and learn how to access your digital magazine. Minnesota. Ive hunted antlerless deer at Jackson Point several times. Out of the top 20 counties in the United States, Iowa is home to three of them. Weird things happen with muzzleloaders, but fortunately the mishap that Hutchens experienced was mild. Kirk Brann; Monroe County; 2000; 232 0/8; Boone & Crockett Club*, *Buck was not hunter harvested and is listed by Boone and Crockett as a pickup.. Some of that has to be DNA, not just food. This creates ideal deer habitat that can be difficult for a hunter to navigate on foot. All Game & Fish subscribers now have digital access to their magazine content. In the video above, Leopold's Shawn Skipper highlights the features of the exciting new optics with Game & Fish Editorial Director Adam Heggenstaller at SHOT Show 2023 in Las Vegas. Copyright 2023, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. There were some does in front of me, and when he was walking down the road, he stopped and looked at does right in my lane. 14 for Boone and Crockett bucks for total entries per square mile of land mass within the last 10 years without a single non-typical to show for it. A single two-day muzzleloader hunt is held in mid-October. The Merrell Buck tops the former Pope and Young record of 170 1/8 inches and the overall archery record (recorded in Boone and Crockett ) of 177 7/8. But you have to love that Washington climbs all the way up the ladder to be No. Furthermore, Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana are the new kids on the block. It scored 164 6/8 and ranked 9th overall. It was a huge rush, a massive release, after chasing that deer for three years, to see him go down and finally get to put hands on him, Bolt said. End-of-season WSI values of 180 or more indicate a severe winter, and Ottertail County never had a value over 140 in the years 2010-2015. 2 buck was a typical that scored 170 2/8. The information contained herein is deemed reliable but is not warranted or guaranteed by the Broker, its Agents, or the Seller. Data is a wonderful thing. arkansas boone and crockett bucks by countya properly fitted wearable pfd should have which characteristics. Lloyd acknowledged in the North American Whitetail article that the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission investigated the kill and found everything to be in order. Hutchens buck sported a 20 5/8-inch inside spread and was taken with a Thompson/Center Omega. He didnt take it well, Hutchens said. When the area was settled, the land bordering both sides of Crowleys Ridge was swampy and undeveloped. Eric Lundgren of Ruger, which now owns Marlin, highlights the features of both rifles with Game & Fish Editorial Director Adam Heggenstaller at SHOT Show 2023 in Las Vegas. Food strips are found throughout the woods, and every open space is planted with food, including both sides of every road. Ohio | 457 total entries | 0.01116 entries. | With three Boone and Crockett bucks on his wall, Scott Arnold of Berryville knows how to score bucks on the hoof, but the one he killed on Oct. 28 in Carroll County surprised him. It took 40 years for Jacob Ayecock to break Thomas Sparks' state record for a typical-rack whitetailed deer, but Ayecock's record didn't last long. But Colorado is the real winner here. Browning's Rafę Nielsen shares details on the new X-Bolt Pro LR McMillan hunting rifle with Game & Fish Editorial Director Adam Heggenstaller at SHOT Show 2023 in Las Vegas. With no place to put a stand, Lloyd hunted from the ground. Also, interestingly enough, famous whitetail states such as Texas, South Dakota, Montana and most recently Tennessee, didnt even make the top 20 list when looking at every state on a level per-square-mile playing field. The nameVernonwas chosen to reflect the county's green fields of wheat and to evokeMount Vernon. Boone and Crockett Club. That happens to a lot of people, but it made me anxious. View Otter Tail County Hunting Properties, Average Price Per Acre of Raw Land: $3,460. Its the top states for total number of record typical and non-typical bucks produced. Theres nothing quite as adrenaline-driving as a moose-like whitetail rack swaying through the timber. The new Frontier, available in 8x42 and 10x42, has all the range-finding capabilities a hunter needs. Don't Miss:Are the Biggest Typical Whitetails History? The new Frontier, available in 8x42 and 10x42, has all the range-finding capabilities a hunter needs. Arkansas County in the southeast is in the heart of the Natural State's big-buck zone, and that's where Joe Schimmel of Stuttgart killed our largest typical with archery equipment last year. Official Boone and Crocket scorer Matt Haun gross-scored the typical 14-point buck at 184 3/8 inches. When you look at state level data, the states youd expect to be present on the list are Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky and so on. Marion County may not have produced many record book bucks yet, but the ones it has are near the top of the list. The genetic potential is there, the nutrition is there, and hunters have been practicing Quality Deer Management. West: Montana has always dominated the headlines for big whitetails. "The wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. Since 1998, when the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission implemented the statewide 3-point rule for legal bucks, Arkansas has quietly become a sleeper state for trophy whitetails. He said he actually shot at the same buck in 2016. He kept the faith to maintain his discipline, though. Its easier in a sparse mast year when only a few trees produce. And when you think about it thats a pretty eye-opening fact. Location: Wisconsin. He said he saw photos of it on the internet, but he said the buzz ebbed quickly and no further information emerged. A big deer around here is 120 to 130 inches.. Licking County compares favorably with any county in the midwest for trophy whitetails. Most of the tracts are a mix of timber, farmland, prairies and wetlands that provide edge habitat where giant whitetails thrive. Finally, after all that effort and preparation, came the climax moment. Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. Licking is tops in Ohio. Schimmels priorities changed in a hurry. Are you a deer hunter wanting to learn how to accomplish your goals? While none of this information will directly help you kill a deer, it does tell a story. Browning Ammunition has two big-game hunting loads new for 2023 that are effective on a wide range of species: the Max Point and Silver Series. Southeast: The order of this list looks identical to the previous southeast region list. Lloyd's buck had a gross score of 208 7/8. Georgia's state record nontypical buck was a 249 5/8-inch deer from Telfair County, according to Boone and Crockett records. Note: All data from Canadian provinces have been excluded for the sake of state-ranking purposes. On Dec. 3, 2018, William Lloyd of Wynne killed a 14-point buck in Lee County that netted a Boone and Crockett . See minimum measurements below. It is basically a massive isolated sandbar forested primarily with bitter pecan, cottonwood, red oaks and shrubs. Deer generally dont linger on the ridge except for a few weeks in the fall when acorns and soft mast become available. Wisconsin | 712 total entries | 0.01310 entries. 1 was 181 inches and was at the Big Buck Classic 10 years ago or so. But its actually a southeastern one. I did it efficiently, taking four deer in four days, discounting a fifth day in the middle that I didn't hunt. Ive been hunting since I was a young boy, and Ive never seen a deer like that, Hutchens said. There is also a surprising amount of public land where a hunter can encounter a record-book buck. Some areas have stricter requirements, such as requiring one antler to be at least 18 inches or a 15-inch inside spread. Many outfitters have set up shop there, land prices have increased and it caters to a lot of non-resident hunters who probably have no hesitancy of reporting their record book bucks. One can only speculate as to why thats happened. Boone and Crockett Club. Schimmel, 30, is a truck broker who, like Bolt, has to economize his hunting time due to a busy schedule. My sources in northeast Arkansas say they had their best season in memory. The information contained herein is deemed reliable but is not warranted or guaranteed by the Broker or Seller. The Colorado record nontypical was taken in Cheyenne County. The U.S. A forum community dedicated to Arkansas hunters and enthusiasts. Isnt that just an elk state? For commercial use rights, please contact Boone and Crockett Club's Records Department for additional information. All Rights Reserved. Some Mississippi lands are on the Arkansas side of the river and vice versa, and some clubs straddle both states. The state's biggest whitetail deer to date came out of Prairie County in 1999, and the state record typical scored 211 points. All property is subject to change, withdrawal, or prior sale. Even though hunting was largely unproductive in Bayou Meto Wildlife Management Area this season, hunters who I conversed with said the hunting experience is better than it was in the WMA's Wild West days. That's better than many places, like Georgia that registered 15 during that time frame, but it's not a Wisconsin, which is No. They change even more when you just look at the most recent data (within the last decade). Andy Anderson; St. Francis County; 1998; 187 3/8; Boone & Crockett Club, 1. All data henceforth is based on records for total entries per square mile of total land mass within the last 10 years. Bolt arrowed the buck at 15 yards, and it ran 40 yards. . So, now for the data. It turned out to be an extraordinary day for big bucks. The county is a powerhouse producer of corn and soybeans. LITTLE ROCK (AGFC) - If it is a nice buck that a hunter takes, someone usually comments that "it might make the record book." There are two record books . Deer hunting is about many things. About 80 acres were planted in soybeans, and the other 80 acres were weeds. Its important to note that record bucks are rare even under perfect conditions. The 360 Buckhammer cartridge is designed for lever-action rifles and will be available in two Remington Core-Lokt loads. Deer concentrate on good mast trees, increasing the likelihood of seeing a mature buck. Scott Cooper is bow hunting on a big bean field in Arkansas when his hit list buck comes into range. Password should be at least 8 characters with a mix of letters and numbers. His expectations for the future have soared. Through the end of the 2000-01 season, the following Kentucky counties had yielded three or more Boone & Crockett all-time whitetail deer: Lewis (five typical, five nontypical). Its filled with big-buck neighborhoods you may want to consider buying hunting land in if its your dream to chase giant whitetails. Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin no longer hold that title like they did 10 to 20 years ago. 2 in the West for the most non-typical bucks per square mile of land mass in the last 10 years. Last week in Baxter County, redbuds were about to bloom along the White River. Top 5 Non-Typical Bucks from the Southeast, Top 5 Non-Typical Bucks from the Northeast, ourstories, videos and hard-hitting how-to'sondeer hunting. 18) did make the top 20 something they dont do on the traditional all-time lists commonly referred to. Don't Miss:Top 5 Typical Bucks from the Northeast|Top 5 Non-Typical Bucks from the Northeast. With a name like Bolt, the hunter that killed the largest archery non-typical last year should have been using a crossbow, but Jake Bolt, 27, of Fayetteville did his deed with a compound bow. The buck never sensed Schimmels presence. He bought a massive amount of land in the Cache/White River flood basin amounting to 10's of thousands of acres. All of these guys who did this were were from in other parts of the United States at the time & desired to have here, what they had at their other locals. The area today is know as Delta Farms, and some of what was in his holdings is now part of the Cache River NWR.