Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Contracting (51C) Position Description: Lead teams that enable the Army Contracting Command to provide contracting support worldwide to expeditionary operations throughout the entire spectrum of. Part of their duties involves repairing underwater ship structures, such as submarine propellers and hulls. To qualify as MOS 12D Army Diver, you have two options on the ASVAB: Do you have more questions about the ASVAB?
Army Cyber Network Defender (MOS 25D): 2022 Career Details Details: Opportunity for NCOs (E5-E6) and Officers (O3-O4). Those with 13 years' service may receive waivers. Stumbled upon this as a NG NCO after never knowing the MOS existed. 51C NCO Reclassification Results - January 2023 Ann Vaughan| Career Development| No Comments The U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center congratulates the Soldiers listed below for their selection. We are also the GS equivalent to series 1102, which are the civilians we work with. They will become contingency contracting technical experts and trainers for newly accessed acquisition officers and Soldiers who reclassify into MOS 51C. There are two more boards of selection this year, in May and July. (C) 2016 US Army. The review below gives a detailed description of a former employees experience. MOS 51C is not awarded until completion of training (See DA PAM 611-21). This is a reclassification position that has strict requirements. Closest matches are shown first. Active component soldiers will attend the Mission Ready Airman Contracting Apprentice Course, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, or the Army Acquisition Basic Course, Army Acquisition Center of Excellence, Huntsville, Ala. Reserve component Soldiers will take courses through Defense Acquisition University distance learning. e. NCOs must. Must have a four-year degree in a technical field. International students should refer to the Admissions section for current TOEFL and entrance requirements. Operation Military Kids was founded to be a resource for teens and young adults who are interested in joining the military, but don't know where to begin. Basic Combat Training introduces you to the military lifestyle and determines if you have what it takes to make it in the Army. It sounds that contracting would take plenty of time away from the family. The ASVAB is a series of tests that determine your strengths and weaknesses, therefore indicating which Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) are appropriate based on your knowledge and skills. Part of that is the credibility that NCOs have with soldiers. How often do you guys TDY or deploy? The accession process is competitive but rewarding. What do you guys do on a daily in Garrison or deployed? For soldiers with 10-13 years of service, a waiver may be submitted to reclassify. Specifically, it was the chart of all the missions that 51C supported. Deadline to submit your packet is 30 June 22. It's because we are a small MOS and getting out of the military is very lucrative financially and has strong stability as a career. Serve as a Senior Enlisted Contracting Advisor to the COL brigade contracting command position, PARC and LTC battalion contracting commander within the Army Service Component Commander AOR or TOO in contracting; advises the commander on all matters related o training, retention, health, welfare, readiness, discipline and professional development of military and DA civilians assigned when required; primary mission is to deploy as the senior enlisted contracting advisor/ contracting officer and serve as a member of the EEM on a brigade or battalion contracting staff; assist in supervising day-to-day military operations, combat skill training and mandatory training developed for military and emergency essential DA civilians; monitors tasking from higher headquarters, manages strength management reports and monitors the assignment of personnel; ensure all personnel receive deployment orders and resources while on deployment; is the primary trainer for military contracting personnel assigned; provides advice and makes recommendations to the commander and staff on all matters pertaining to enlisted soldiers and their families; accompanies the commander on inspections, visits and ceremonies; assists in inspection of command activities, facilities and personnel as prescribed by the commander; ensures adherence to command policies; holds first sergeants' or sergeants' major call to announce information and instruction; ensures that newly assigned enlisted personnel are instructed in military courtesy, customs of the service and command regulations or policies; responsible for monitoring training or conducts training of enlisted soldiers; assesses training at all levels and provides feedback to appropriate commanders and leaders; provides counsel and guidance to NCOs and other enlisted soldiers of the command; responsible for and provides guidance on Non-Commissioned Officer Education System (NCOES) and Non-Commissioned Officer Development Program (NCODP); inspects duties performed by subordinate NCOs; notes discrepancies and initiates appropriate corrective action; assists in reception of visitors to the command; serves as president or member of command promotion board or removal board for NCOs, as authorized by regulations; sits as chairperson or member of a command's Military Member of the Quarter/Year competition for enlisted soldiers or NCOs, as directed by local regulations; responsible for quality, control and training of noncommissioned officer evaluation reports (NCOER) while ensuring timely submissions; reviews evaluation reports to determine compliance with policies and procedures and recommends corrective actions on deficiencies to commanders, other leaders and rating officials; performs other duties prescribed by the commander; assists in the professional development of junior and company grade officer.
51C Reclassification - ArmyReenlistment That way they can achieve contracting certification and then come back to the workforce.". After meeting all reclassification requirements and completing the required training, individuals will be considered an AL&T NCO. Scuba divers handle exercises that are performed below the surface of the water at shallow depths. To enter into this MOS, soldiers must meet reclassification requirements. Soldiers selected for the 51C MOS may qualify for a $2,000 transfer bonus. Soldiers in this MOS act as an adviser, negotiator, administrator, researcher and contractor. Meanwhile, as the name implies, deep-sea divers spend a longer period of time underwater and may reach depths of nearly 200 feet! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Rob V. is the founder of Program Manager/Deputy Program Manager/Program Office, Force Development Officer, Test & Evaluation Officer, Acquisition Logistics Officer, Director, Acquisition Career Management, and Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology): ASA/ALT (DACM), Academic Associate: John T. Dillard, Furthermore, you need to test for the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). He currently operates a a political blog, and works at a local online newspaper in Cortland, NY. 1. ", Sometimes it's not only the big ticket items that really add value. "NCOs already in the 51C MOS are being offered a reenlistment bonus up to $22,500 because contracting is so important to the Army's mission," Pitts said. Every Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) in the Army has its own education, prerequisites, and training requirements. You should also consider the advantages when it comes to health insurance, education, and other benefits included with your monthly salary. Contracting Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) (Enlisted) Showing top 18 civilian careers similar to the military code 51C. Jason Pitts, the thing that really caught his eye was a map. What It Takes; How to Join; Basic Training; Prior Service; Fitness Calculator Military jobs that are in high demand or considered dangerous, like deep-sea diving, may potentially entitle you to a bonus. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. I hear our average dwell is just over 24 months, so prepare for that. 51C Info NCO Career Development Timeline Contact Us Quartermaster Branch Contact via Email Phone. Generally, the most competitive candidates selected for reclassification have at least 60 hours of college credit. The U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center serves as the proponent for MOS 51C and is responsible for the life-cycle management process of the Army's new contracting NCO corps, which includes recruitment, retention, individual training and education, distribution, sustainment, professional development, and separation. Program Officer: CDR Jefferson E. McCollum, SC,, Please read our Privacy Policy Copyright 2023
MOS 51C Reclassification Program - Facebook Watch Physical and mental fitness to perform well under pressure. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Negotiations include pricing, product quantity, quality and other factors. Some credentials are GI Bill funded and assist with promotions while in the Army. Upon selection and appointment, you will attend two schools to prepare you to serve as an Army acquisition officer: 1) The six-week Direct Commissioning Course (Ft. Benning, GA), 2) The nine week Army Acquisition Professionals Course (Huntsville, AL). The base pay for enlisted soldiers at a E5 or E6 ranges from around $28,000 to $39,000 depending on years of service. MOS 51C officers have the vital job of providing forward contracting support to ongoing war zone and humanitarian missions worldwide. You come back a year later, and you start it all again.". Maj. John L. Murray of U.S. Army Contracting Command. You may be working with some S4 to get documents in order, working with a vendor for delivery details, working vendor pay issues with resource management, etc. They will become contingency contracting technical experts and trainers for newly accessed acquisition officers and Soldiers who reclassify into MOS 51C. The ability to use SCUBA gear is obviously crucial to this job. Your email address will not be published. Related Article Army Civil Affairs Specialist (MOS 38B): Career Details. . Finally, soldiers may patrol the waters for security or salvage sunken equipment. In fact, the Army conducted 108 contingency contracting missions in 39 countries in 2010, including combat support missions in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as humanitarian relief efforts in Haiti and Pakistan. Active component Soldiers will attend the Mission Ready Airman Contracting Apprentice Course, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, or the Army Acquisition Basic Course, Army Acquisition Center of Excellence, Huntsville, Ala. Reserve component Soldiers will take courses through DAU distance learning. That was the 'aha moment,'" said Pitts, chief proponent NCO for MOS 51C at the U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center, the proponent for 51C reclassification and the agency responsible for ensuring a trained and ready contracting NCO corps. Accessibility.
MOS 51C offers NCOs what may just be the best opportunity in the Army Self-discipline, confidence, and intelligence. Completion of this curriculum qualifies naval officers as Acquisition and Contract Management Subspecialists with a subspecialty code of 1306P, Army officers as Functional Area 51C, and Marine Corps officers with a 9656 MOS. However, it is possible to make a living serving as a SCUBA instructor or guide at places like beach resorts.
USAASC Career Development: Noncommissioned Officer MOS 51C and CMF 51, Transcript: Media roundtable with Mr. Douglas R. Bush, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Acquisition Logistics & Technology on Despite being a rare specialty of the Army, divers are not paid any differently compared to other Military Occupational Specialities. Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree with specialization in Systems Acquisition Management. Those with 10 to 13 years of service may request waivers. "Soldiers want to be valued," he continued. Program Management (51A) Position Description: Below is a map showing locations that Army Acquisition Officers serve at. That's a good example of things a contracting guy can do to help support a brigade. Contract and Industrial Management (Commissioned Officer only) 51C. "The contracting command was in 49 different countries last year, doing 86 different missions supporting the warfighter," he said. Serve as an NCO on a modular contracting team; serves as a contracting NCO supporting the Area of Responsibility (AOR) or Theater of Operation (TOO) of the Army Service Component Commander theater wide contracting mission; primary mission is to deploy as a contracting officer and serve as a member of the Early Entry Module (EEM) contingency contracting team; when not deployed, serves as contracting NCO in support of Headquarters, Principle Responsible for Contracting (PARC) Brigade Contracting Command, Battalion Contracting Command and/or Installation Contracting Offices for training and mission support. All contracts will be documented using automated contracted systems. In addition to a bachelor's degree, MOS 51C NCOs will receive the same training opportunities in the contracting field that are available to the Army's acquisition officers and civilians. Please enable it to continue. Housing: Allowances for living expenses, utilities, and maintenance. We will contact you shortly! Serves as project officer in organizations involved in the requirements formulation, development and acquisition of new material systems or major modifications to existing systems; ensures proper interface between the system design and support program, and monitors system development to ensure the system design and support characteristics satisfy ", For the Army, it's crucial to have NCOs as a part of its acquisition workforce, because the NCO adds another dimension, another perspective to the workforce. Any input will help, thanks in advance. They compare pricing between suppliers to determine fairness and reasonableness. Related Article Army APFT Standards For Males and Females. While the team is not huge and there is some competition to become an Army Diver it is worth considering. JOINT BASE MYER-HENDERSON HALL, Va. - There's more than meets the eye in the world of contracting and "Charlie" has a lot to offer. It is a great MOS to be in if you are a high energy, multifunctional, adaptive and the utmost Army professional.
Active duty 51C deploy just about every window of development. And those positions are in a variety of locations worldwide. MOS 12D Divers are considered part of the Army Engineers division which means most of the work is related to underwater construction and repairs. Lastly, the Army introduces divers to handling and implementing underwater explosives. Divers perform duties like underwater reconnaissance, demolition, and salvage. The 51C course is approved as the ALC equivalent for the MOS. However, with that being said it is possible to receive up to $40,000 in cash bonuses for enlisting in certain Army MOS. The soldiers in this MOS are always looking to get the best deal they can for the Army. MOS 51C NCOs have the vital job of not only providing procurement support for anything a unit might need; but also serving the commander as a business adviser - ensuring they get what's needed, on time, to support the mission. Army recruits begin training at Basic Combat Training, or boot camp, for 10 weeks regardless of intended MOS. | Army Organic Industrial Base Modernization Implementation Plan, Doug Bush sworn in as Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology, U.S. Army launches latest prize competition, xTechRCCTO AStRA, to prototype and field cutting edge technology innovations for the Warfighter. I wasn't just some guy.". On any given day youll be working on some purchase for a unit.
Army National Guard By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Army Acquisition Logistics & Technology (AL&T) Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) must be ranked SGT to SSG with less than 10 years of service. Food: Allowance for the on-base dining hall and access to tax-free department and grocery stores.
51C MOS : r/USarmy - reddit USAASC is seeking NCOs and Officers from all backgrounds with diverse experience to fill 300 positions in FY13. Here are the requirements you need to meet to become MOS 12D: Related Article Army Combat Engineer (MOS 12B): Career Details. What: Contracting reclassification overview Q&A. The education benefits are excellent, but the expectations are also high - by law, the NCO must earn a B.A. MOS 51C is a career field established in December 2006 to meet the Army's continuously increasing need for contingency contracting officers, and is viewed as a critical asset. The Military Occupation Specialty 51C classification trains noncommissioned officers to be contracting professionals, provides significant career and educational opportunities and is one of the few areas of the Army that is expected to grow in the near term.
What is a 51C Army? - Press J to jump to the feed. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I found the warfighter identified with me because I shared their experiences. The Army keeps things fair by determining compensation based on years of service and military rank. Soldiers in this MOS have a unique opportunity to complete their degree. Two reclassification boards remain for FY13 (April and July). Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) 51C, Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology (AL&T) Contracting Noncommissioned Officer (NCO), is a highly critical career field established in December 2006 to meet the Army's continuously increasing need for contingency contracting officers in the modular force. The chart, he said, showed "where contracting guys were, whether it was Australia, Japan, Mongolia - and to me that was like, 'Wow, that's awesome. Related Article Complete list of all Army jobs and their functions. All board results are generally released 30 days following the board and are posted to the USAASC Web site and emailed individually. The specialist will periodically evaluate suppliers to ensure the quality is being met and that the contact is being adhered to. 18-22, 2022, FY23 RA SFC Evaluation Board FQ / MQ List, DA 4187 (Signed by your Company Commander), Soldier Record Brief (SRB) with redacted demographic information (i.e. Army Divers (MOS 12D) have extensive advanced training which takes 29 weeks to complete. Therefore, you cannot directly come into the Army as a 51C from another military service. "The norm is for 51C NCOs to complete college courses and mandated contracting courses through the Defense Acquisition University as part of their daily battle rhythm.
5K views, 61 likes, 4 loves, 10 comments, 37 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center: Could you be what we're looking for? I like it. Required fields are marked *. SGTs must meet qualifications for promotion to the next rank. As MOS 51C matures, AL&T contracting NCOs will provide continuity and stability for the Army's military contingency contracting workforce. "After completing the basic contracting course, NCOs are assigned to a contracting office where they first focus on becoming proficient in simplified acquisitions and are then able to progress and hold positions starting as a contingency contracting NCO all the way to the rank of command sergeant major.". They complete research to compare products and ensure the soldiers have the best equipment. There are not many jobs in the civilian world that have to do with SCUBA diving. Pay for a Acquisition, Logistics & Technology Contracting Noncommissioned Officer will depend on the rank and time of service for the individual. "A road construction contract to add improvised explosive device training lanes to a downrange installation," would not be a large dollar-value contract, Pitts said. Surprising, there arent many qualifications compared to other Army jobs yet since the opportunities to join MOS 12D are limited, competition is stiff.
There are also expectations to meet Army physical fitness standards since the military specialty requires a great deal of physical exertion. Advanced Individual Training for MOS 12D is a combination of classroom studies and underwater exercises. Responsible for organizational budget, purchase and procurement documents, and financial statements reconciliation. You go to gunnery, you prepare. 2023 United States National Guard ELIGIBILITY. ", While the "aha moment" for Pitts was travel and variety, for other NCOs, Pitts said, it's the educational opportunities offered by a 51C MOS. However, Soldiers will be required to submit a packet to HRC Schools The position is often listed as challenging, but rewarding. Your email address will not be published. Related Article Navy Diver (ND): Career Details. Army Acquisition, Logistics & Technology Contracting Noncommissioned Officer (MOS 51C) is a reclassification position that focuses on contractual agreements for supplies or services.
Most new recruits do not realize that Army Divers (MOS 12D) exist as a Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). Leads a multi-disciplinary, multi-agency integrated product team of professional acquisition personnel across multiple sites nationwide. Responsible for planning, testing, training, and fielding Army systems and equipment. The Army is currently recruiting NCOs, in both the active and reserve components, who are interested in reclassifying to MOS 51C and meet reclassification prerequisites. "Right now our people are staying in. This position is open to individuals who are currently in the Military and are looking for a new MOS. What continued efforts does the Army have planned for the future'. Education: Soldiers can earn full-tuition, merit-based scholarships, allowances for books and fees, plus an annual stipend for living expenses. Officers work with joint and international partners as well as those in industry and academia, to develop, acquire, deliver, sustain and safely dispose of weapons systems and provide contracting services to Soldiers in all military operations. ASVAB Scores For Air Force Jobs: All 130+ For 2022, How To Choose The Right Military Branch For You, Army Combat Engineer (MOS 12B): Career Details, Army APFT Standards For Males and Females, Army Geospatial Engineer (MOS 12Y): Career Details, Army Respiratory Specialist (MOS 68V): Career Details,, List Of 9 Army Patches And Their Meanings, Army Sharpshooter Badge: 6 Things To Know, Army Service Ribbon (ASR): 5 Things To Know, Army Commendation Medal (ARCOM): 8 Things To Know. Prospective Army MOS 12D needs to meet basic requirements like being a citizen of the United States and a clean criminal history. Each Army job is given a code known as a Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). A Masters degree or Ph.D. in a relevant technical field is preferred. So you can go on Usajobs and read those job descriptions.
Army MOS 51A | MOSDb Score Skilled Technical (ST): 106 or higher. After submitting for the reclassification and meeting all requirements, soldiers will take the Army Acquisition Professionals Course. The NCO contracting corps offers a promising career path and is ripe with opportunity to serve in a variety of locations.
Where: Town Hall, Bldg. Jason Pitts and Lt. Col. Anthony Maneri, Policy and Proponency Branch, U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center. Those with 13 years' service may receive waivers. The curriculum satisfies mandatory Defense Acquisition University (DAU) contracting courses required by the Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA).
You can speak to a local Army recruiter for more details about cash bonuses. "They want to feel like they're doing something important." Advanced Individual Training for MOS 12D is a combination of classroom studies and underwater exercises.
51C Reclassification (51C) - USAASC By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Related Article Army Geospatial Engineer (MOS 12Y): Career Details. Based on your appointment, you may also attend additional training such as the Captains Career Course or the Intermediate Level of Education held at various locations to better prepare you to assume positions as an Army acquisition officer. The Army recommends that aspiring MOS 12D have an interest in mechanics and building things. "They are never at rest, they are always supporting real-world, real-time operational and installation support; where if they don't get it right, the mission fails. Anyone outhere who holds the MOS 51C? MOS 51C NCOs will receive the same Defense Acquisition University (DAU) training opportunities in the contracting field that are available to the Army's acquisition officers and civilians. Related Article Army Cyber Operations Specialist (MOS 17C): Career Details, Your email address will not be published.
Secondly, an Army Diver may support special warfare and explosive ordnance disposal troops by using diving gear. Remember, an Army Diver (MOS 12D), is first and foremost a construction job (albeit an unconventional one), so construction is a very relevant job field. All Rights Reserved. Youll go to a 9 week school to learn the basics of federal acquisitions then off to Army Contracting Command for a couple of years of OJT. Operation Military Kids was founded to be a resource for teens and young adults who are interested in joining the military, but don't know where to begin.
Army Diver (MOS 12D): Career Details, Training, & Pay! Score General Maintenance (GM) 98 and General Technical (GT): 107 or higher. What is it' Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) 51C, Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology (AL) Contracting Noncommissioned Officer (NCO), is a highly critical career field established in December 2006 to meet the Army's continuously increasing need for contingency contracting officers in the modular force.
Careers similar to military code "51C" at My Next Move for Veterans Required fields are marked *. The security accreditation level of this site is Unclassified ("For Official Use Only" and below). The Army Engineer military job presents you with the unique opportunity to maintain and repair parts of a submarine and other underwater activities. The U.S. Army expects all new recruits to have a high school diploma or GED equivalent. 243, JBM-HH. As contingency contracting needs around the world continue to grow, MOS 51C Soldiers must rise to the challenge to accomplish these critical missions. Ryan M. Pitts. Candidates selected for reclassification not only learn a new craft, but also, through the training, education, and professional development aspects of the MOS, gain valuable transferable skills. The U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center serves as the proponent for MOS 51C and is responsible for the life-cycle management process of the Army's new contracting NCO corps, which includes recruitment, retention, individual training and education, distribution, sustainment, professional development, and separation.