Many of these members had been former members of both Imperial Consistory and White Rose Chapter No. First, we will exploit the opportunities of Promotion by establishing the National Masonic Publishing Board (NMPB), a publishing/marketing profit center which will seek to become the flagship venture of the United Supreme Council. 5, Rose Croix falls under the masonic version of fruit-of-the-poison-tree doctrine. The Bulletin - Spring 2021 by United Supreme Council, 33,AASR - Issuu names of some of the expelled members from the United Supreme Council Southern The chief mission of the Supreme Council formed at the beginning and steadily pursued ever since, has been: To make the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, a Masonry, which the man of intellect and the scholar might find it profitable to devote himself to; to embody in its teachings all the great truths taught by wise and good men in all ages; to comment upon and give the true interpretation of the symbols of the Blue Lodge Masonry; to ascertain and fully develop the special idea embodied in the beginning in each of its own degrees; To appeal to the intellectual and the moral sense only of its initiates, leaving display and parade to other branches of the great Order; to indulge in no scenic pomp or theatrical representation; to so arrange the work of its Degrees that they. The Supreme Council, 33, SJ, USA James 32Illustrious 2nd Lieutenant Commander G.I.G. David Leary, the first Black Inspector-General of the Prince Hall today, members then could have membership in more than one Masonic In 1871 a fifth was established in Philadelphia, and Gray 33 rd of Chicago, Ill., Daniel Brown 33 rd of Rosebud, Ala., W.C. Lane 33 Washington, DC 20009, T: 2022323579 The Brethren of the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., Mother Council of the World, extend our warmest fraternal greetings to our Brethren of the United Supreme. Archibald (Archie) I. Billows 33 of St.Cyprian Consistory No. of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, USA, I extend my condolences and heartfelt prayers to the family of Illustrious Deary Vaughn, 33, who served as Sovereign Grand Commander of the United Supreme Council AASR (PHA) SJ from 2003 until his passing today. SGIGs on 10/9/2022 agreed to donate $250.00 to the USC Charitable Foundation. 15, Chapter of Rose Croix S.P. I agree to your website privacy and use policies outlined in this document. Northern Jurisdiction and one for Southern Jurisdiction. G. Jones and Thornton A. Jackson fell out which caused John G. Jones to expel Supreme Councils of the thirty-third and last degree of the A. What can be documented is that he was the second Negro 33 Scottish Rite Mason resident in the city of Cleveland. merged into 2 United Supreme Councils of the 33rd Degree: one for Council was formed in New York, which was made up of members from the Dr. Larry D. Spires, 33/96 (IL), Grand Secretary General of the Holy Empire. United Supreme Council AASR SJ ("USC") is a nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of Tennessee. 33 rd , as its M. P. Sov. (1888-1904) National Compact Grand Lodge, from which a Southern Jurisdiction split Commander, and known by the style of United Supreme Council of the Ancient Grand Commander, and known by the style of the United Supreme Mason-Dixon Line as an official boundary. RiteCare Scottish Rite Childhood Language Program. United Supreme Council. The Illustrious Fraters in charge of their respective camps. Knight 33 rd , M.P. Jurisdiction. That is contrary to modern day practices, however. Eventually St.Matthews Consistory was formed with the help of Fraters belonging to a Fields faction Consistory in IndianaSt. That in itself is evidence of the growing Scottish Rite presence in the state of Ohio, and specifically the city of Cleveland. Advanced Registration ends on September 14, 2023. It will establish correspondence circles and memberships which will promote historical research that is honest and unbiased. Bell 33 rd Later that year the full vision of John G. Jones came to fruition. rd , Henry H. Dade 33 rd , John H. Smallwood 33 rd , Adolphus Hall 33 rd , and A logical assumption can be made that this Consistory absorbed and supplanted the Scottish Rite body in existence before itWhite Rose Chapter No. . Please ensure that you Enter your first name, last name and Consistory # so that the proper account is credited. In honor of his deed, after being reorganized, their first class of Sublime Princes was named in honor of Commander Rickards. Supreme Council Southern Jurisdiction. On Monday, September 28, 1896, John G. Jones arrived in the city and conferred the Thirty-Third and Last Degree of Freemasonry upon Jerry E. Reed; Samuel B. Brooks; and Benjamin M. Shook. Cyrus H. Adams 32Illustrious Master of Ceremonies S.P. Through consistent working of the degrees and recruitment of members, Red Rose Chapter of Rose Croix No. On France. The United Supreme Council - AASR - PHA - Northern Jurisdiction, USA King Hiram Grand Lodge, A.F. Council of Philadelphia Pa. for the Scottish Rite degrees. E: Joseph D. Lee III 32Illustrious 1st Lieutenant CommanderS.P. Most of our efforts in The United Supreme Council involve studying new approaches to building and educating the membership and developing innovative ways to implement them. After bearing witness to a St. Matthew Consistory in the city of Toledo (established by a group from Indiana belonging to the Milton F. Fields faction) switch allegiances with the assistance of Commander Rickards, the Fraters of St. Matthews Consistory of Troy, Ohio decided to follow suit. was conferred the degrees of the Scottish Rite from the 4th through the 32nd. .At the time of the Chapters formation SGIG Patrick H. (Henry) Reason 33 . On hand to affix their names and seals to the document on September 7, 2022, were Sovereign Grand Commanders of the four mutually recognized Scottish Rite Jurisdictions in the U.S.A. Hopefully, the podcast will encourage you to carve out some time to read the latest Scottish Rite Journal and the wealth of information it provides. On July 18, 1906as legend has ita charter was issued for Bezaleel Consistory No. Secured the rental of 1633 Eleventh Street, Commander, and known as King Frederick Supreme Council, was duly open by the Supreme Nevada, NH, NJ, NY, ND, OH, OR, Pennsylvania, RI, SD, UT, VT, Revels Through our Supreme Deputies, we have the potential to make a real and positive change in the Masonic community. House of the Temple Historic Preservation Foundation, Inc. Scottish Rite Foundation, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., Inc. Privacy & Use Policies for EU & EEA Residents (GDPR). Far west of Cleveland the Scottish Rite began to flourish in the city of Toledo through yet another affiliation for colored menthe Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the 33rd Degree, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry for the Northern and Western Jurisdiction (Milton F. Fields Supreme Council). It is likely he operated as a member at large. in October 1895. who served as the second Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander of the DeBulow Supreme Council from 1879 through 1892. On April 1, 1880 the United States Supreme Council issued These are the five Consistories of the Orient of Ohio. Ill. Ronald Cook . At the time Imperial Consistory was chartered, John G. Jones had been suspended from the USC SJ more than a year prior by Commander Jackson for conferring the Thirty-third and Last Degree of Scottish Rite Masonry without authority and illegally creating his own Supreme Council. in 1856 from the conferring of degrees from King David Supreme Council. The first Scottish Rite Illustrious Dr. A. Ralph Slaughter, 33SOVEREIGN GRAND COMMANDER, Ill. Alvin K. Wilkins, 33LIEUTENANT GRAND COMMANDER, Ill. Joseph A. Williams Esq., 33GRAND CHANCELLOR, Ill. LeRoy A. Lassiter, 33GRAND MINISTER OF STATE. Supreme Council of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of These 5 Councils petitioned for unity in a conference in New York City It is also commonly known as The Supreme Council, 33, Southern Jurisdiction, or by some other varying degree of complete titulage. (1912-1929) line were agreed by the two Supreme Councils. among colored Masons, all claiming the right and authority to confer the This is one of our key areas of focus in The United Supreme Council, AASRM, 33rd And Last Degree Of Freemasonry, For The Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction, USA, and a source of much success for our Volunteer Organization. Please ensure that you Enter your first name, last name and Consistory # so that the proper account is credited. David Supreme Council was set up by Count de St. Laurent 33 rd of the Supreme history of Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Louisiana 1842-1979" speaks of The United Supreme Council Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry $200.00 View Details Consistory Dues Cards $0.20 Dr. Deary Vaughn Memorial Medallion 21. Constitutions of 1786, regularly organized and opened a Supreme Council of the Korea, Liberia, Middle East and Western Europe. States Supreme Council was set up by Baron A. Hugo de Bulow 33 rd a member of It is also worthwhile to note that during this time that the modern day territorial boundaries between the two recognized Negro Supreme Councilsthe USC NJ and the United Supreme Council of the Sovereign, the Grand Inspectors General of the 33d and Last Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern and Western Jurisdiction of the United States of America (the current day United Supreme Council, 33, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern Jurisdiction, United States of America [USC SJ])had been established, but not necessarily rigidly adhered to. was serving as Deputy for the Orient of Ohio for the Debulow Supreme Council. 5, Rose Croix seemingly disappeared from the listings in Cleveland city directories. They worked under King David Supreme One is not always happy when one is good; but one is always good when one is happy, Regional Offices of the United Supreme Council. The with the Jones-Seville faction, kept the "Ship of State" on an even keel was set up in 1870. members of the Southern Supreme Council and the Southern and Western Supreme They voted to express their desire to affiliate with the USC NJ and forwarded their request to then Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander James F. Rickards 33 (who also served as a General Deputy [now an Imperial Deputy-at-Large] for the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine North and South America and its Jurisdictions, Inc. [AEAONMS]). R. Scottron of the United States Supreme Council was elected Secretary. Southern and Western Jurisdiction formally split and 1900 when the Imperial renders to the high school graduate. who served as the second Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander of the DeBulow Supreme Council from 1879 through 1892. Jurisdiction consists of the following states: CO, Connecticut, DE, ID, L.J. Consistory #1 has been active in Washington, D.C. since 1895 and is the oldest the year 1856, several members of Washington DC petitioned King David Supreme Councils can only be set up by another Supreme Council. The guides come as a set of four. Thornton A. Jackson from the United Supreme Council Southern and Western There This Chapter of Rose Croix was under the obedience of the DeBulow Supreme Council. . John Williams 32Most Excellent and Perfect Knight Senior Warden S.P. 27) was chartered with Illustrious Shook being appointed as the Deputy of the Valley of Ohio. The first Most Wise and Perfect Master was Frater Samuel W. Clark. It is not known if he also received the 4th through the 32nd degrees prior to the ceremony or if all degrees were conferred during the same ceremony. 26 S.P. Dismiss, PHA Scarves Plus High Definition Woven Scarves. were members. 21. for the Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction of the U.S.A. and Canada as 1895 15 G.I.G. appealed to the Grand Master who denied the appeal. Opening and Closing Guides for the four Bodies of Scottish Rite Masonry. at Washington, D.C. were established in 1887 and revised in 1917 and 1955. C.H. and presided over by Ill. Lemuel D. Griffin, 33 rd as its M. P. Sov. One Deputy Rickards then basically, performed an altar call for those wayward and duped Scottish Rite Masons to remove the shackles of irregularity and pledge their allegiance to a competent authority by reciting the Oath of Fealty. Supreme Council grew out of the conferring in Philadelphia (1850) of Consistory in our Supreme Council). the United States of America. . Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the thirty-third and last Thomas Kinzie 33Illustrious Chancellor S.P. The Scottish Rite is to the enterprising In May 1896, Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander George W. (Wellington) Roper 33 of the legitimately formed United Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Thirty Third Degree of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America (the name and style at the time [USC NJ]) appointed G.I.G. Mecca Temple was rechartered as Mecca Temple No. As the Milton Fields group chartered both bodies there is no explanation of why both used the same name. On behalf of the Supreme Council, 33, A.& A.S.R. This John Anderson 32Most Wise and Perfect Master S.P. The Scottish Rite Creed. In that time word traveled fast about what others were doing and everyone wanted to get in on a piece of the action. At The reasoning behind this change and who initiated it is unknown, but on February6, 1909, Deputy Rickards, accompanied by Illustrious Alex J. Supreme Councils, held at the City of New York, in the State of New York, on Copyright 19982023 The Supreme Council, 33, A. United Supreme Council - FAQ The Southern Supreme Council set up the King Frederick Price 32Illustrious Registrar S.P. In March 1911, St. Matthews Consistory of Toledo (along with the Mecca Temple Shiners) held a joint meeting to plot a path to legitimacy. Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review. and Western, Thornton A. Jackson 33 rd , James O. Bampfield 33 rd , F.A. Due to that crossing over, it was the ground floor for the The first Scottish Rite organization among African-Americans was the African Grand Council of 1820 in Philadelphia, which was referred to as the Council of Princes of Jerusalem. Copyright 2011-2022. In addition, the Jurisdiction governs all Orients within Canada and Auxiliary Bodies therein. Memphis, TN 38132. Primus is a member of Andrews Chapel United Methodist Church in Jonesboro, Georgia. At the time of the Chapters formation S.G.I.G. He served as the first Illustrious Commander-in-Chief. Ohio Consistory in the Valley of Cincinnati was chartered in 1853. several degrees and establish bodies of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite. members in 1856 and set up the Southern and Western Supreme Council in 1869. On this date William T. Lane 32Illustrious Keeper of the Seals and Archives S.P. It shows that members had membership in both Supreme Councils. ThomasH. King 33 as the Second Grand Equerry during the triennial elections held the same year. RiteCare Scottish Rite Childhood Language Program. Continental United States. In 4 in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as a Special Deputy for the Orients of Ohio and Pennsylvania. Illinois, IN, IO, KA, Maine, Mass, MI, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, On (Holy) Thursday, March 22, 1883, the first Scottish Rite body of any affiliation for Negro Masons in the state of Ohio was chartered in the city of ClevelandWhite Rose Chapter No. We operate under the obedience and auspices of the United Supreme Council, 33, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation; Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America where the Illustrious Corey Hawkins, 33 serves as Sovereign Grand Commander. G. Lewis-An end of an era: Columbia, U.S British and Virgin Islands, OCONUS locations of England, Shrine. After his death in April 1908, those desirous of the Scottish Rite chose his name to christen their endeavor. W.W. Cordell 32Illustrious 1st Lieutenant Commander S.P. It is the governing body of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in its jurisdiction, [3] and is one of two Supreme Councils in the United States. . 1856, the conferment was made and a council was established. & A.M. c/o M.W. At this time there was no Consistory in the city of Cleveland. William Buckner 32Illustrious Commander-in-ChiefS.P. Dues are to be paid on or before June 30 every year. I agree that you can collect, process and use my personal information as set forth in this document and for the purposes set forth in the document. The first officer corps was composed of the following Fraters: S.P. It in turn conferred the degrees on Washington , D.C. In 1907, boundary also you will see that he was our Sovereign after the Southern Supreme Council Deputy for the State of Michigan and Surrounding States S.G.I.G. & A.S.R. with it's See at the Grand Orient of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania Copyright 19982023 The Supreme Council, 33, A. The following Fraters served as the initial officers: St. Matthews Consistory No. & A.M. c/o M.W. The Teger 32Illustrious Hospitaler S.P. The correspondence was received by Commander Kelley and the responsibility for investigating their query devolved upon the . William M. Wiley 33. Nevertheless, Commander Kelley appointed a representative for the state of Ohio in the person of S.G.I.G. Advocated in the strongest terms, the . The leading colored Masons of Troy and surrounding areas, desired to deepen their bond with masonry and pursue the formation of a Scottish Rite body. Even though Scottish Rite masonry DOES NOT operate like Ancient Craft Masonry, overarching masonic tradition was followed which meant that the powers that be waited until three Consistories were chartered before a Council of Deliberation for Ohio was formed. Washington, D. C. since its formation in 1869, with the first members starting THE UNITED SUPREME COUNCIL ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE For the Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction U.S.A. and Canada and All of Its Departments and Auxiliaries, Established April 5, 1869 UNITED SUPREME COUNCIL 2023 BOARD MEETING AUGUST 3, 2023 - AUGUST 6, 2023 NEW ORLEANS, LA BOOK HOTEL ROOM NOW! It is not known when Illustrious King received his Scottish Rite degrees or to which Consistory he belonged, if any. Baltimore , Md. Easton Consistory No. Freemasonry among colored Masons in the United States of America . Council: William Advanced Registration for the 137th Annual Session of the United Supreme Council to be held in Huntsville, AL., October 6-9, 2023. A little more than a year later, in December 1890, Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander Thornton A. Jackson 33, appointed Samuel B. Brooks of Cleveland as the Deputy for Ohio. Morin had propagated the Rite there. to convene the representatives again on January 13, 1881 . degree of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern , and presided over by the Ill. George W. Roper, 33 rd , M. P. Sov. Jurisdictions A.A.S.R., PHA, on August 2, 1966, were established at the PEER leadership stands for leadership based on Promotion, leadership based on Education, leadership based on Economics and leadership based on Research. residing in Cincinnati, Ohio. . Southern Supreme Council. Be Kind and Courteous. S.P. Sovereign Grand Commanders. 5, Rose Croix continued to operate for the next 13 years with Illustrious Boyd at the helm. On Friday, December11, 1896, Imperial Consistory (No. 24 was chartered by the USC NJ. United Supreme Council AASR SJ v. McWilliams - Casetext c/o M.W. Supreme Council for the Northern Jurisdiction, Grand East at Philadelphia , Pa. Council from 1856 1869 at which time they wanted to administer the Scottish F: 2024640487 Primus also serves as the Grand Master for the state of Georgia. It is not known if his desire ever came to fruition as Brother Boyd sought more information to present to interested Masons and the different Grand bodies of Ohio. These United Supreme Council Show: Sort By: Annual Session Advanced Registration 2023 Advanced Registration for the 137th Annual Session of the United Supreme Council to be held in Huntsville, AL., October 6-9, 2023. By February 1897, Imperial Consistory established a benefit fund for their membership, which numbered upward of 50. The organization was founded in 1907 by then Lt. Grand Commander and Ill. Deputy of the District of Columbia Supreme Council. (Albert) Cotrill and William E. Clemens. In late 1896, the vision of John G. (George) Jones. Most Wise & Perfect MasterChapter Rose Croix, Overseer of the ValleyUnited Supreme Council, PHA, SJ, Deputy for the Orient of MarylandUnited Supreme Council, PHA, SJ. It is not known if the body existed under another affiliation prior to aligning with the USC NJ. King Solomon Consistory, which had continued as a going concern since its official warranting by the Debulow Supreme Council in 1887, decided to switch affiliations. Deputy Rickards was a rising star of the USC NJ as he was concurrently serving as the Illustrious Grand Minister of State. Moving to the southwestern part of the state, the Milton Fields faction found their way to desirous Brothers. Cyrus H. Adams 33Illustrious Commander-in-Chief, Hiram Chapter No. April 9 th 1881, a union was formed between the King David Supreme Council and The Valley of Columbia, Orient of Maryland, Prince Hall Affiliation, is the local Scottish Rite body serving Howard, and parts of Anne Arundel and north Prince Georges counties. Easton. As a result of the conference of the Sovereign S. Chase of the United States Supreme Council was elected Chairman and Samuel Albert A. Payne 32Illustrious 1st Lieutenant Commander S.P. The last bit of business at this meeting was the nomination of Fraters for the 33rd degree. the United States of America; The United Supreme Council for the Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction has It too disappeared from the fabric of the city and the city directories in much the same fashion as its predecessorWhite Rose Chapter No. Williams 33 rd formerly of New Orleans, La., Robert Williams 32Thrice Potent Master S.P. The Please click the link below to pay your dues and call your Valley if you need assistance. for the same members. We're all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Jurisdiction, United States of America. 1869 Southern and Western Washington William H. Thomas, 4 It provides newer, and more The SC-SWJ and SC-SJ consolidated to form the United Supreme Council, AASR, PHA Southern Jurisdiction (USC-SJ). Peter W. (William) Ray 33. The Northern Reginald B. Stewart 33Grand HistorianOhio Council of Deliberation, Copyright - Ohio Council of Deliberation Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasory PHA, Northern Jurisdiction All Rights Reserved, Colorado, Wyoming and Utah Council of Deliberation, Order of the Golden Circle Elected Officers, Order of the Golden Circle Appointed Officers. 2 talking about this. Limited Fraters Edition Memorial Medallion to honor the life and legacy of our Past Sovereign Grand Commander, Dr. Deary Vaughn. In Howard T. Greer 32Illustrious 2nd Lieutenant Commander. According to the history of St. Matthews Consistory, at this meeting, with Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander Milton F. Fields 33 in attendance. several others residing in the city of Washington D.C. petitioned to have a Washington, DC and a 501 C- 10 tax exempt charitable organization. The KDSC and KFSC consolidated in 1881 to form the United Supreme Council, AASR, PHA, Northern Jurisdiction (USC-NJ). Advanced Registration ends on September 14, 2023. R.A. Madison 32Illustrious Commander-in-Chief S.P. whole Fraternity. committee in Wilmington, Delaware on April 19, 1907 using the All fields marked with an * are required. To his successor, Illustrious Corey D. Hawkins, 33, and the other officers of his Council, I have pledged our continued support and best wishes as they deal with this significant loss. organized on April 5, 1869, in the city of Washington, D.C., by many high Bullying of any kind isn't allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture . In general, virtually all activity, including the initial roster of officers from July 1906 through early 1910, is shrouded in mystery and lost to history, but the first recorded officer corps of Bezaleel Consistory No. Carried on the legacy of all our pervious It is not known, however, who, if anyone, had been conferred or communicated the degrees of the Scottish Rite under this affiliation at that time. , and the Southern and Western Supreme Council of Washington, Eli J. Lucas 32Illustrious Treasurer S.P. and expanded Scottish Rite masonry wherever. Illustrious Boyd is listed as the first Most Wise and Perfect Master. Ushered in the Millennium and kept the United Supreme Council on solid footing. , and presided over by Ill. J. D. Kelly, 33 rd , as its M. P. Sov. Home - Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, S.J., U.S.A. United Supreme Council
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