If she didnt like someone , there was a reason. Was Bernadette fragile when she took Catechism classes with one of the accused girls and would have no doubt seen the emotional toll being falsely accused of murder would have taken on the girl, yet she acted like nothing was amiss. The paint was peeling off, and it put a lot of pressure on her sensitive self-esteem as she never imagined living in such a place. Yes, the movie showed Kirstan being extremely mean. By the time Kirsten left Alexander Arnolds car at her neighbors house, Bernadettes fear had turned to anger. She was described as a nurturer in an episode of Killer Kids. What was the most heart wrenching about this was a classmate girl was blamed and attacked by certain people for killing Kirsten, obviously she didnt. I hear a lot of them still get together on Occasions, and others have moved on. She had an issue, and if what Kirstens friends say are right about her and being so bold to outspoken maybe she recognized that the girl wasnt wrapped too tight but being young didnt know the term, hence calling her weird. I dont believe she deserved to die, but she should have received a serious reality check. with this Virus going around. As for Kirsten making fun of outcasts, I agree every school has outcasts. I cant picture Kirsten being Mean or Rude, so hard to picture that one. justice was nwot served and the costas have shed tears and felt grief for over 30 years and i think bernadette shouldnt have been given the privelege to go to college, get her high school diploma, have a boyfriend, and then have kids and get married no she should have been locked in a brick cell staring at walls all day so that she could focus on what she did but no she is scott free now to go out and kill again if she wants. Her parole would have gone ahead sooner apparently but in 1992 one of the parole board Victor Wisehart voted to keep her in jail as she showed an inability to control her anger and he felt that she was still a danger to the public, she had had a violent altercation with a boyfriend in the prison/school system, he said there was a hidden trigger that switched on when she didnt get her own way! No, there is good and bad in every person, just the people are guilty for not seeing the reasons that cause that kind of things. Probably chubby ugly girls who were bullied as kids. People have been wondering about his wife. Society in the richest places raise their children to be obnoxious and unbearable little freaks. Completely agree with you Midwest Jimmy. She wasnt into that game. I cant live if it is known. I think Miramonte was like any School, you have your cliques and picks. And the sister projected her crappy life onto her younger sister because she was unhappy. I didnt get on yearbook. Your lack of self awareness is both amusing and perplexing. She was home with a friend and an adult man who was watching them, classmates say. Learn how your comment data is processed. Even if Kirsten was mean, it still doesnt justify killing her. Bernadette made a horrible decision by ending a girls life, if she left her alone, B wouldnt be in the mess she got herself in, she kept pushing for her friendship. That leaves only the knife and whether its true or not a witness corroborated the girls account. She didnt like Nancy and a few others. You guys are kidding yourselves. Word was that girls were safe because raping a girl is irresponsible and could get them fired because girls could get pregnant and priest need to bring money in, not pay out for 18 years. It was like she was obsessed with her, which she probably was. The full length picture of Kirsten with her hair tied back is so cute. Self Absorbed yes. Shes obviously mentally ill . i remember always thinking that Bs case would had been much different today. Since then, she is supposed to have changed her name and left the state of California. Do I believe she was (stuck up) to a degree I do, but arent most teen girls as I said before. She doesnt even want any former BFFs knowing her location anymore. Bernadette Im telling you was well liked and a good Student got good grades and was in with popular kids, cause she was smart. In real life, Bernadette Protti almost got away with murdering Kirsten Costas, but ultimately ended up confessing to the crime. I wasnt crazy about Kirsten Carrie, Christine and the rest, I knew how There was no justification for murder even if the victim was a bully, which it seems she was, at worst, catty. Karen, it wasnt about Bullying, it was over jealousy issues. Kelly, Karin and Brooke, her friends shout. If you did your research, you would know that Kirsten didnt bully Bernadette. She was also a very good student who did well academically in school. So before you start judging Kirsten, first get facts. Society in the richest places raise their children to be obnoxious and unbearable little freaks who will at some point push a normal person to the brink,so whatever happens is something they are a part of as well as the person they have pushed. She turned it about herself! Please explain how Bernadette was pushed to the brink? The only person missing from the morning Latin class was Bernadette. I think she had a crush on Kirsten and was terrified of Kirsten telling everyone she was a lesbian. I also believe Nancy and Joanna were nice girls that had thier moments also. Its not about them, its all about Kirsten who,was,robbed of her life, and robbed from her family. Kirsten wasnt Super Rich like Melrose Place, family was well off, so was Bernadettes. very sad. But this is just my opinion, dont come after me :/. There were a lot of girls at Miramonte they didnt like or fit in, they ran them all out, not just Nancy, she wasnt alone, neither was Joanna, but they act like they were the only victims there. No one deserves to be murdered. I was on a few adult precision ice skating teams, and let me tell you, some of the women who were on the teams were a hell of a lot worse than high school girls!! She watched 2 girls take the blame and did absolutely nothing about it. Never wished Kirstens unfortunate death, she may of been misunderstood, but she never talked to me, neither did Bernadette. Kirsten was very Popular, but there were a few a little more Popular, why didnt Bern go after them and befriend them, the girls on Homecoming Court, and in the Atlantis Club. She was a young girl, a funny, silly girl who could also be obnoxious. Missy was Described as a Bully and Very Mean also. I wasnt a cheerleader at all, I was in some clubs at school,( not Bobbies or Atlantis) but Spanish. The juvenile code dictates a sentence of confinement to the age of 25. Lifetime should be ashamed. Read the facts of the case instead of perpetuating lies that Kirsten pushed Bernadette or that she bullied Bernadette. She also took enough courses through a local community college to graduate with an associate in arts degree. Several spectators at the trial were moved by the ninety-minute confession. Both girls attended Miramonte High School in Orinda, California. I been bullied to. You Mats that knows Kirsten, why was she so Mean? Considering the evidence presented here, I must conclude that the prosecution has failed to prove its contention of premeditation. I was fortunate to be surrounded by guys who were my best friends from 3rd grade and were very popular. Orinda folks and former Students who knew Kirsten are not into Morbid fascinations. They made it theyre choice to, like doing stupid stuff all the time. Anonymous, Kirsten had a bigger heart than people knew about. Kirsten had a good family, good life, and then this horrendous event took her life. I was shy, empathetic and depressed. Is the Action-War Epic 'The Dirty Dozen' Based on a True Story? Luca's friend and the man got out but, despite firefighters' best efforts, Luca didn't. She didnt hate anyone (as I said) just didnt like the way they acted. It all started with Bernadette inviting Kirsten to a party, which the latter was unaware of. You claim you know Kirsten, are you the one who told about the Bullied Girls who were ran out and Demonized. She was not in a popular group, just a group. Ms Bunch and McDonald (proving I knew them) were not mean like that just self absorbed. Everyone talked a bunch of crap about each other, including Bernadette who was just as rude and mean as any other girl there. Kirsten really wasnt big enough to be a Bully and she was more into Social things and School Spirit than bullying others. Several on the site say Kirsten was Sweet Cute and Funny. Cant see her making fun of anyone. The guys did reject her, and that insensed her inferiorityand self esteem. Of course, the characters' names were changed in the movie. If Kirsten wanted to smoke pot, Bern would of esp. She had taken Kirsten out in her car, where the latter felt that Bernadette had gone weird. You cant force somebody to be friends with you. Firstly, Bernadette failed to get in the coveted cheerleading team, and secondly, she did not make it to the yearbook staff. If the person that Tori spelling played in that movie Was indeed Kristen Costas attitude toward other students then anybody couldve seen this coming. With this Virus, and now George Floyd, ( and the Riotings all over) Im deeply surprised people still are discussing Bernadette Protti on here, and other sites. But I dont remember hearing or learning about it until many years later. Her inadequacies were all created by her and in her own head and she murdered Kirsten as a result. I cant assimilate anyone on the appearance to defend a so-called bullying. Berit and Bob Costas live in Hawaii. I wasnt Popular and Kirsten liked me and was nice to me. Kirsten was just like any other girl who had to go to that snobby school. Kirsten would of long outgrown that before now, if she had of lived. Nancy I would of never considered Murder, that is just plain Sick. Senseless. She asked Hilley if he had ever considered that a sixteen-year-old girl might be more afraid of publicity than of going to prison. And back then Bernadette was never going to admit that. But you are not making her case by behaving like a bully yourself. What are you going to tell the press? was the first question she asked during the confession, followed by another: Do I go to juvenile hall or do I go back to Miramonte? Her fears of Miramonte were greater. The calls have come from all over, Lt. James Robinson said. Well based on the movie, Kristen came off as a total snob and bully. God calls people home not Bernadette. She would have seen Kirstens parents and brother crying anguished tears of unfathomable sorrow and would have seen the inconsolable grief and despair etched into their faces, and she had the unconscionable gall to not only attend Kirstens funeral knowing she was responsible for putting Kirsten in her coffin, but also had the cold nerve to be in the presence of and be able to look at Kirstens family whose sadness and grief would have been heart wrenchingly palpable, which she knew she was responsible for. The school was no more competitive than any other school around anywhere. Probally Berns Relatives saying all that, or, very close friends. Well based on the movie Yeah, thats your problem. Sarah Dugdale was cast as the victim, Nina Miller. So I would say to any bully, we all have our weaknesses,. Youve got to be kidding right?! I believe they wouldnt allow you to read if you were in a group with them, thats there Nature towards people who they feel superior to. If you ever saw Saved by the Bell the new Class Lindsey on that show reminded me a lot of what Kirsten was like. She lived big. If Stacy Lockwood's funeral was Catholic, it would be unlikely the priest would wear a green stole and the casket covered in purple. Just because there was bullying in a fictional movie, doesnt mean the Bernadette was bullied by Kirsten in real life. Do you really think its acceptable to lure someone out of their house under false pretences and then expect a positive reaction if your lie is discovered? Whats been done has been done. Your email address will not be published. Teens are teens. Trouble for or Stealing maybe we could look past that. Kirsten was lured out of her house under false pretences to a bobbie (sorority) dinner that didnt exist by someone she wasnt friends or even acquaintances with. No in the documentary where the new wave girl was actually interviewed, she ACTUALLY said I want you dead and to see your blood drip Her own words in the interview on true crime via Amazon Prime she said those EXACT words. She was a member of a highly selective sorority club called the Bobbies. Bernadette was and most likely still is a highly disturbed individual. I dont understand what is wrong with people. Like I said, I wasnt there, but if she was Bullying Bernadette, why didnt Bernadette just beat her up and whip on her good? She was Strange to. Give me an example. Kirsten was described as a cheerful girl by classmates, and I do believe for the most part, she got along with most her classmates and school mates. Finally, as an aside, I think some people need to learn the difference between fiction and reality. According to a court report dating back to 1985, these were some of the traits her cold-hearted killer, 16-year-old Bernadette Protti, was so jealous of that she decided to kill her. Those girls like Chris she hung with has changed, theyre not like they were in school, Kirsten would of changed also as she got older. Bernadette watched as they left and followed them, parking outside Kirsten's home. Meanwhile, Kirsten had died of her wounds. (Bernadettes sister, Virginia, a bank examiner who took the witness stand, said she left foot-and-a-half-long knives in the car to slice tomatoes at lunchtime.). They were ususally strange. Material on this site is provided for education, criticism, commentary, cultural reporting, entertainment, historical reference, and news reporting/analysis. They told about the girls ran out of School. She dared to say she could not commit suicide because her religion would not allow it, but did not take into consideration the life of Kirstens! No single human being has the effrontery to kill a fellow human being; talk less of a supposed child. Kelly and Bridget are modeled after Kirsten and Bernadette. A grown woman from England pretending to be someone who knew Bernadette, Kirsten, or Kirstens brother. And ironically the real Kirsten was the brunette and the kiler was the blonde. We had quite a few of them there. And, of course, at her age, the perception made her quite bitter. You know whats really sad? All of the pictures featured here are photos taken from newspapers, not the authors private collection. Kirsten, and D and Ms Stuff were the Life of a Party. There was no teasing and ostracisation. As for Bernadette, I didnt know her well, but said hello to her a few times in passing at school, and when she came to get the attendance slips. She was committed to the California Youth Authority. Bernadette was paroled after seven years, for good behavior, at the age of 23. Blaming Kirstens parents for her death is the epitome of classlessness and disrespect. In that moment, becoming a social outcast in a place like Miramonte High School was a fate worse than death. I believe that the real number was held by the cops. If you werent Popular she looked down on you just as bad as Kirsten did. When Kelly rebuffs Bridgets advances of friendship, it humiliates the latter and sends her into a jealousy-fueled rage, which ultimately results in Kellys murder. Im disgusted. Who cant see that part? Kirsten was SelfAbsorbed not mean and bullish. It had nothing to do with Bullying wasnt even about that, it was about forging a friendship. She was good at that. Did you ever stop and think that Bernadette was a fragile human being? I remember the day every girl attended school when the killer had been caught but we had no name; if they had to fly back, leave the hospital, watever, no girl wanted to be accused for even 24 hours even if they would be exonerated the next day or week. Probaly the one who gave details on all those bullied girls at Miramonte. Even if you werent rich, if you were smart and acted sensible you were accepted. March 11-12, Miramonte students of each class came together to decide their class presidents, vice presidents, and treasurers for the 2020-2021 school year. The crime happened way back in June 1984, in the town of Orinda, California. I heard Kirsten was self absorbed, but no bully. Kirsten was Snooty as well, so were the Stacys and the other Kirstens that ran with them. Like Missy Availa saying she was roughish and wild and Loose, didnt give Karen Severson and Laura Doyle any right to murder her either. Can you give examples of Kirsten bullying Bernadette? Both were members of the swim team, but Costas was reportedly much more popular than Protti, according to the Associated Press in 1984. As for the girls who got blamed, so sorry if your lives were miserable at the time, but remember Bernadette was scared herself and did t know what to do, she didnt aim for all that to come down. Believe me it was a 6 month witch hunt.
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