I wanted to start with Ludmila, the oldest of the bunch known for her intellect. I think it's more impactful if Strahd just has a well made regular-ass mundane longsword mounted on the back wall of the audience hall behind his throne. I've completed the campaign as a DM three times, and I've reflected on those campaigns in great detail. Ludmila was headed for Barovia, hoping to get help from either the burgomaster or Father Donovich in solving the Durst problem. He is tied up and dragged through town as punishment. Ludmilla is the oldest current consort of Strahd, and considers herself the most indispensable, being a de-facto court mage. Hit 8 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage. She then set about actively serving him in both his arcane studies and in recruiting his next bride, Anastrasya. She has survived being cast aside like other consorts by not fatiguing him with a need for his attention, while actively seeking ways to attend to the matters he deems important. Even though there is not much detail about them in the book, they make great mini-bosses for the party to encounter. Bride of Strahd. Curse of Strahd #5. This will allow the party to remove one bride earlier, and explore the castel. Anastrasya may immediately use her charm ability, as listed above. Volenta Popofsky has the following flaws:Forbiddance: Volenta can't enter a residence without an invitation from one of the occupants.Harmed by Running Water: Volenta takes 20 acid damage when it ends its turn in running water.Stake to the Heart: Volenta is destroyed if a piercing weapon made of wood is driven into its heart while it is incapacitated in its resting place.Sunlight Hypersensitivity: Volenta takes 20 radiant damage when it starts its turn in sunlight. Ludmilla makes two attacks, only one can be a bite attack, or casts a spell. how to get access token in rest assured; worcester telegram obituaries; venezuela shoe size conversion; dallas cowboys individual suite tickets JavaScript is currently disabled. They are all loyal to Strahd but have ulterior motivations as well. She made a living by stealing and hiding in the shadows for years before a kind family in Vallaki adopted her. Ludmilla may immediately take an action to dash, disengage, or hide. She either attacks OR casts a spell. Son of Stefania and Dag and grandson of Davian, Winged Mongrelfolk in the Abbey of St. Markovia. Obsidian Portal enables you to create campaign websites for tabletop roleplaying games. no risk refund guarantee Grandson of Davian Martikov, Two-headed mongrelfolk musician. Vampire Weaknesses. If the fight is in Castle Ravenloft the summoning is instant. Tsolenka Gate - with expanded Guard Tower, new NPCs, and quests.Pyram King Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/pyramkingList of all CoS Guides: https://www.pat. Rahadin would blame Patrina for the descent of Strahd's curse in 1216. you will have instant access to your previous versions. Claws. Brother of Marzena Belview. Bite. I did not, no. We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. It's like having a rewind button for your campaign. Definitely true. Ludmilla is the oldest current consort of Strahd, and considers herself the most indispensable, being a de-facto court mage. Voltena lets out a horrible cackle at the thought of tasting blood. Activez-le, puis rechargez la page. Stabbing things is beneath him, now, anyway. You should check them out. While Strahd can take Lair Actions, Ludmilla can benefit from them. Kidnaps children to grind their bones into powder for baking dream pastries, Ravenloft Castle: Catacombs (K84, Crypt 39), White-haired werewolf deep within the den. While Strahd can take Lair Actions, Anastrasya can benefit from them. Faithful mongrelfolk servant to Strahd. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and Anastrasya regains hit points equal to that amount. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one willing creature, or a creature that is grappled by the vampire, incapacitated, or restrained. You should check them out. Ludmilla can climb difficult surfaces including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check. Married to Stefania Martikova. She serves as the unofficial leader of his harem, and reins the others in when necessary. She has survived being cast aside like other consorts by not fatiguing him with a need for his attention, while actively seeking ways to attend to the matters he deems important. Her life with her family was better than life on the streets, but because of the color of her skin she was made to feel different, and by the time she was 18 she felt more like an outcast than ever. Ludmilla Vilisevic. Volenta regains 15 hit points at the start of its turn if she has at least 1 hit point and isn't in sunlight or running water. My reasoning: Strahd would never allow one of his creations to gain such autonomy, freedom or potential power over him. Thank you so much. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. As a vampire, she learned from Rahadin that one day her master would inevitably tire of her, unless she could prove herself useful to him. Claws. Anastrasya magically calls 1d4 swarms of bats or swarms of rats, provided that the sun isn't up. She set about serving him in the advancement of his arcane studies, and personally took on the task of recruiting and training his next bride, Anastraya. Plus, you have our Round 2: Child of the Street. I imagine she also has the spell Magic Circle in her spellbook but it is not prepared for the purposes of this statblock. Medium / (No Rarity) Related Articles. Brother of Arrigal and father of Arabelle, Vallaki: Burgomaster's Mansion Dining Room (N3c). Ludmilla is Strahd's oldest bride at nearly 200 years old. Traveled to Barovia to destroy Strahd, but was defeated and driven mad. Former lover of Vladimir Horngaard, Co-owner of the Arasek Stockyard. you will have instant access to your previous versions. Member of the Keepers of the Feather. She tells the party, while Topo cant hear, that Alabaster is a very suspicious character and they ought to be careful. What can get it back for him, if even for a moment? no risk refund guarantee The target must make a Intelligence saying throw or be affected by the spell Phantasmal Force. Check inside for: An upgraded Strahd with enough resources, toughness, and power to take your party on head-to-head, An upgraded Ludmilla with a new portfolio of arcane powers and mistform abilities, An upgraded Anastrasya with a new armory, a persuasive charm, and a shapechanging feature, An upgraded Volenta with an assassin's subtlety and a honey badger's bloodlust, An upgraded Escher with a new array of bardic spells to explore. Round 2: Child of the Street. Complete list of every named creature with an accociated statblock as written in the Curse of Strahd module. They can be staked in their plots of earth in Strahd's tomb, but I would not give them the power of a true vampire - that's Strahd's schtick. Her spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and the vampire regains hit points equal to that amount. Ludmilla has spent so long with Strahd that she knows the location of his ambushes. Ludmilla was first met in Vallaki, outside Burgomaster Wachter's house. Ludmilla may immediately take an action to dash, disengage, or hide. Spellcasting. He perceived the beautiful young girl would provide Strahd an exotic distraction, which she did. And who knows maybe she has another pet demon or two imprisoned in the castle? Ludmilla has the following wizard spells prepared:Cantrips (at will): Fire Bolt, Mending, Minor Illusion1st level (4 slots): Burning Hands, Hideous Laughter, Shield2nd level (3 slots): Flaming Sphere, Hold Person, Scorching Ray, Web3rd level (2 slots): Bestow Curse, Counterspell. Recently took over leadership of the pack by allying with Strahd to oust Emil, the former leader, Castle Ravenloft: Catacombs (K84, Crypt 33), Ancient phantom warrior who died by falling upon his own sword. you will have instant access to your previous versions. [1] Game Statistics His body is kept pristine by Fiona by use of gentle repose, Troublemaking son of Fiona Wachter. The Target must succeed a DC 13 Strength or Dexterity Saving Throw (Player's Choice) or be knocked prone, as Volenta lands ontop of them. Until then, you can find all other chapters of Curse of Strahd: Reloaded here. She now carefully stays out of her masters way unless he needs her direct aid, and she has ingratiated herself to Rahadin who also keeps her in favor with Strahd. It's like having a rewind button for your campaign. Regeneration. Villain Actions come from a video by the wonderful Matt Colville. 1d4 can be summoned by the gong in the King's Accountant. I thought doing something like that might make them a nice middle boss in the game, in particular if some of them had resting places nearby the Castle Ravenloft for when they do Strahd's deeds outside the walls of the castle. Tasked by the Abbot with feeding and caring for his mongrelfolk bretheren. Check inside for: An upgraded Strahd with enough resources, toughness, and power to take your party on head-to-head Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. But I agree, it is worded weirdly because you normally don't conflate multi-attack and spell-casting. There are 6 vampire spawn in the coffin maker's shop. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and Volenta regains hit points equal to that amount. Strahd's death frees her of his control and allows her to pursue her own goals. Ludmilla Villisevic Curse of Strahd dmssanctum dmssanctum dmssanctum 2021-04-06T03:15:54Z 2021-04-06T03:15:54Z Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Turned into a Vampire Spawn by Strahd during the Mad Mage's failed attack on Ravenloft, Barkeep and co-owner of the Blue Water Inn. Instead of dealing damage, the vampire can grapple the target (escape DC 13). Wracked with guilt over his centuries-old murder of his sister, Patrina Velikovna. As a vampire, she learned from Rahadin that one day her master would inevitably tire of her, unless she could prove herself useful to him. Ludmilla was first met in Vallaki, outside Burgomaster Wachters house. While in sunlight, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks. You should check them out. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. She then set about actively serving him in both his arcane studies and in recruiting his next bride, Anastrasya. Kidnapped and forced to fight to the death in the ring of stone (Z8) against other child captives. She was a woman of extraordinary beauty and had no doubt that if she could only meet the count, he would deem her worthy as a bride, not realizing he was truly a vampire. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one willing creature, or a creature that is grappled by the vampire, incapacitated, or restrained. Bio: Ludmilla is Strahd's oldest bride at nearly 200 years old. She made a living by stealing and hiding in the shadows for years before a kind family in Vallaki adopted her. Anastrasya takes the form of a cloud of mist and may move up to her speed without provoking attacks of opportunity. Ludmilla can immediately cast any spell from Strahds spell list of 3rd level or lower. We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. no risk refund guarantee Ascendant campaigns can view previous versions of their pages, see what has changed (and who did it), and even restore old versions. Ludmilla first came to Barovia as a little girl, stowing away in a Vistani caravan that passed through her homeland of Amn. Strahd is a vampire who appears to be in his mid 40's, but is actually well over 700 years old. Steals the bones of St. Andral and gives them to Henrik van der Voort. Claws. I think this is a fun idea and I intend on playing with it a bit more but I've made up a statblock for her and picked out a few fun spells. Brother of Karl, Mongrelfolk gate guard of the Abbey of St. Markovia. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. Bride of Strahd. Hit 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. JavaScript is currently disabled. Charm. Grieving over the death of her last child Ilya, Seven-year-old Vistana girl. Ludmilla has spent so long with Strahd that she knows the location of his ambushes. Beaten by Luvash for allowing Arabelle to be taken, Vallaki: Wachterhaus Servants' Quarters (N4h), Former Bride of Strahd, buried within Strahd's Tomb, Wife of Burgomaster Dmitri Krezkov. He managed to survive thanks to the help of Doru, who perished while protecting him. When she arrived in Barovia, she made a living by stealing and hiding in the shadows. The called creatures arrive in 1d4 rounds, acting as allies of Anastrasya and obeying his spoken commands. JavaScript is currently disabled. Mourning Amulet. His true identity is Mordenkainen, legendary archmage of the Circle of Eight, Villiage of Barovia: Mad Mary's House (E3). Hit 8 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage. Ludmilla casts Haste on both of the other Brides. Forced by Izek Strazni to make Ireena Kolyana dolls, Castle Ravenloft: King's Bedchamber (K42), Naive young girl from the villiage of Barovia. Will attempt to possess a PC and throw himself from a great height, Bartender of Blood of the Vine Tavern in the Villiage of Barovia, Vistani assassin employed by Strahd. Last she saw Alabaster, he was angry, and seeking Dame Caluna for help in tracking down a woman who stole his work. 1st level (4 slots): comprehend languages, fog cloud, sleep. If Strahd chooses his first Lair action, Volenta can pass through solid walls, doors, ceilings, and floors as if they weren't there. It's like having a rewind button for your campaign. Ludmilla Curse of Strahd Wintoli Wintoli Wintoli 2022-03-27T01:41:03Z 2022-03-27T21:16:53Z Ran away from home to be with Strahd, High ranking member of the Order of the Silver Dragon. She and a couple of her underlings met the party in Session 6, on the road. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. or simply: Ludmilla regains 15 hit points at the start of its turn if she has at least 1 hit point and isn't in sunlight or running water. Priest of Vallaki. 1d4+1 can be encountered randomly wandering Ravenloft Castle. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage. He keeps the sword around as a reminder of who he once was, but after sealing the pact with Vampyr, he very deliberately hung it up and turned away from that kind of combat. Round 2: Misty Movement. Killed the original Pidlwick by pushing him down a flight of stairs, Castle Ravenloft: Chamberlain's Office (K72), Sadistic chamberlain to the von Zarovich family for centuries. Traded her youth to Mother Night in exchange for magical foresight and long life. This is to help give the combat a sense of story and flow. Ludmilla Villisevic is a 5th-level spellcaster. Spider Climb. Im running the dinner in my next session and youve just saved me so much time. Ascendant campaigns can view previous versions of their pages, see what has changed (and who did it), and even restore old versions.
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