Drytron decks are considered to be the best in Yu-Gi-Oh. Also, Quick Launch and Special Summon Rokket are activated from within the Deck. The Meta changes and if you are competitive it is better to know the best yugioh decks 2023.. MetaTCG. The Deck uses various attacks to reduce the games pace, resulting in the opponent fabricating a defensive circle for them. In the table below, weve listed the cards in their respective tiers. World Championship 2023 Has Been Announced! They also have a mastery when it comes to hand traps. That not only multiplies the chances of bringing out Synchro and Linkage Monsters, which work best in coordination with another deck. With the help of cards like Solemn Judgment and Lord of the Heavenly Prison, you're not as threatened by mass Spell and Trap removal. . Newest Event Format AnnouncedTryout Duels - March 2023Most recent updates in Master DuelMaster Duel's 1st Anniversary | 03/01/2023 Banlist UpdateNew Selection Packs & Structure Deck ReleasedNew Steps for Duelists | Sprites of Miracle | Vortex of Magic. With a different banlist, playable decks on the TCG/OCG may not be viable here and vice versa. Among the three Egyptian God Cards, The Winged Dragon of Ra received the most support, and it puts those to very good use. Thus it gets troublesome for the player to manage his cards, especially if youre a beginner trying it out. The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Yu-Gi-Oh!, including card images, the attribute, level/rank and type symbols, and card text, is copyright 4K Media Inc, a subsidiary of Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. The TCG Meta Snapshot also aims to rank decks in a somewhat looser tier system. Use this table to immediately go to each section of the Tier List Explanation, with each Deck given a short summary of their focused archetype and playstyle! We all know that Adventurer is quite the threat going first, but how does it hold up going second? 10% or more of tops, as ranked by Pojo. However, once your skill develops and you gain more experience, it gets much easier to use. Another of its advantageous features is how quickly it comes into action once used on the battlefield. tins that were released in 2020 (Lost Memories) and 2021 (Ancient Battles), Tin of the Pharaoh's Gods looks to be one of the best deals for collectors and players who want to pick up some reprints of cards that used to go for more than $100 like Forbidden Droplet . They also have dedicated hand traps, and options to go with Xyz Monsters. North America Yu-Gi-Oh! Podcast is featured here!!! They have to tendency to summon instantly to defend themselves from the opponent. Their effects can become Quick Effects once they are equipped with fellow Plunder Patroll cards. This will roughly correspond to Pojos Tier 1, with some overlap into Pojos Tier 2.Tier 2: Semi-Competitive Meta Decks. Both traditional Fusion Monsters and Quick-Effect options with Masked HERO monsters have very powerful effects. It familiarizes players with every single Extra Deck summoning method in the game, and when set up right the board is hard to clear out due to multiple negate effects. Within the P.U.N.K.s Deck, the best cards are Maxx C and Effect Veiler, as they can fight well against the opponents and provide proper defense from other monsters till the game lasts. The B rank is almost always considered the average rank, which contains entries that are neither bad nor particularly good. Red-Eyes has always had the potential to contend against the best, with different ways to take the archetype with Warriors, Archfiends and even with Dark Magician in a card in the Forbidden List. Blackwings are known for their ability to swarm the field and chain Synchro Summons into their boss monsters like Onimaru the Divine Thunder. As you mightve already predicted, the ability helps them maintain their control over the field. Many of its cards are disruptive and target X.Y.Z. Swordsoul Tenyi/HERO/Yang Zing etc. The Token is no slouch either, having a beefy 2000 ATK. And although theyre not comparable to the highest rank, theyre still not the worst option for a player who knows what theyre doing. These monsters are capable of reusing the cards from the graveyard and can also act as fusion cards. A specific combo is enough to get four Xyz Monsters on the field, and attacking consecutively can end up with a monster with 16000 ATK. That being said, its usage and representation fall a bit short compared to the top contenders such as Adventurer Phantom Knights, Adventurer Prank-Kids, and Halqifibrax Tenyi Swordsoul.All in all, Eldlich and its many variants currently enjoy its status as a Tier 2 contender in the metagame! TCG Championship Tags: Top 32 Feature Match: Pascal Manigat vs. Ethan Vincent The Ultimate Duelist Series Belt Gallery! The 5 Greatest Spellcaster Monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh, Ever. READ MORE ABOUT AFFORDABLE HOUSING: Full list of affordable housing in Penang. Gimmick Puppets focuses on Rank 8 Xyz Monsters that can adapt to pressure. Correct use of spells at the right time to prevent summons can contribute to a victorious game. Skill Drain can clutch out in this scenario.Last but not the least, GY hate such as Ice Dragon's Prison and Ruddy Rose Dragon can be tricky to deal with as they can put your Eldlich engine out of commission. Banished Cards from both players contribute to Gren Maju's ATK, so banish effects are key to this Deck. Sky striker player is considered victorious if the game exceeds three turns. TCG Championship, The Sunday ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!! By doing so, eldritch is back with the player. Overall, in terms of offense and defense, the deck is pleasant to work with which is why its located in the B Tier of the Yugioh Tier List. They can also be used during the opponent's turn, further pressing the opponent into acting swiftly before the advantage becomes too much. By Zachariah Butler. Trap Trick is a recent development for the Pure lists, able to pivot into Sanguine or disruption when necessary. Prices from TCG Player (9/16/22) That's all there is to know about the full list of Yu-Gi-OH! Deck Name. Rokkets take advantage of targeted effects, especially if they come from any "Borrel" monster. Because of its Graveyard usage and its DARK-heavy affinity, a Darklords Deck enjoys quite a lot of draw power with supporting cards. This Continuous Spell is able to set up the GY by pitching Eldlich cards, speeding up that engine's pace considerably. They act as legit spies since they gather the information they need to rely on. Thus the main target of casting an attack is ones offense. @2022 | TopTierList.com | All Rights Reserved, Start typing to see results or hit ESC to close, Awaken Chaos Era Tier List: Legendary Rankings, Demon Slayer Hinokami Chronicles Tier List, League Of Legends Twisted Treeline Tier List, Power Rangers Battle for the Grid Tier List, Elder Scrolls Legends Solo Arena Tier List, Yugioh Tier List: All ANIME Characters Ranked, Disney Heroes Tier List: All Characters Ranked [2023], Dragalia Lost Tier List: Top 25 Dragons Ranked [2023], WoW Tank Tier List WotLK: Top Builds Ranked [2023], Valor Legends Tier List: All Characters Ranked [2023], Guardian Tales Tier List: Top 25 Ranked [2023], CS:GO Knife Tier List: Best Skins Ranked [2023], Evil Genius 2 Henchmen Tier List: All 15 Ranked, Valorants Latest Agent Gekko Leaks Have Caused Huge Turmoil, Fortnite Will Finally Get First-Person Mode in the Next Season, Ubisoft Closes Down Benelux and Some Other European Offices, Leaked Video Shows Minecraft Bedrock Built-in World Editor Mode. One of the more unique Warrior-type archetypes, Noble Knights empowers its monsters with a variety of Equip Spell Cards. It has a lasting presence on the field, with floating effects that enable Main Deck monsters to replace themselves by Special Summoning a different monster should they be destroyed. The previous (May 17, 2022) list will remain in effect until Oct 3, 2022. The Pot Collection is Now Available for Pre-Order! They can be used on any Deck that are heavy with Dragon-type monsters, giving this Deck extreme versitility and flexibility. Among the highest tiers, we have the likes of Eldlich Control and Sky Strikers. It can unleash the Blue Eyes Dragon in one way or the other. Witchcraft can get the cards back from the graveyard and use them again whenever needed. The Pot Collection is Now Available for Pre-Order! More Great Content! One of their unique gimmicks is the ability to "Rank Up" an Xyz Monster intro a stronger Xyz Monster, and Raidraptors have multiple Xyz Monsters with high Ranks to gain advantage over the opponent. Despia makes us of very spcific Fusion Spells that are part of the Branded Engine, and using certain monsters as material can gain consistent advantage whenever they are used as Fusion Material as compensation. Winners. Yu-gi-oh! Photon Hypernova Release Weekend Top 4 God Tier Chaos MAX OTK However, it still suffers from a bit of an identity crisis, and Master Duel having Dark Dragoon banned was a big blow for their tier viability. Scarlet is the strongest out of the three and therefore should be maxed out. And by decks, we do mean actual physical bundles of cards, as in from the physical game. The Deck also enjoys having an open interpretation to the Extra Deck, letting the player choose what cards can be used as support. The condition requires the player to steal the opponents resources. Moreover, it isnt as effective against stronger decks. Frogs are known to be water aqua monsters. Master Duel Tier System Explained. Hansel Aguero1stPlace(SwordsoulTenyi), Main Deck Total 43 Monsters: 24 3 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring 3 Incredible Ecclesia, the Virtuous 3 Swordsoul of Mo Ye 2 Swordsoul of Taia 3 Swordsoul Strategist Longyuan 3 Tenyi Spirit Adhara 3 Tenyi Spirit Ashuna 1 Tenyi Spirit Shthana 3 Tenyi Spirit Vishuda Spells: 15 1 Called by the Grave 3 Forbidden Droplet 3 Heavenly Dragon Circle 3 Mystic Mine 2 Pot of Desires 3 Swordsoul Emergence Traps: 4 3 Rivalry of Warlords 1 Swordsoul Blackout Extra Deck: 15 1 Baronne de Fleur 3 Baxia, Brightness of the Yang Zing 1 Berserker of the Tenyi 1 Chaofeng, Phantom of the Yang Zing 3 Monk of the Tenyi 1 Shaman of the Tenyi 2 Swordsoul Grandmaster Chixiao 1 Swordsoul Sinister Sovereign Qixing Longyuan 1 Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign Chengying 1 Yazi, Evil of the Yang Zing Side Deck: 15 3 Anti-Spell Fragrance 1 Harpies Feather Duster 3 Lightning Storm 3 NIbiru, the Primal Being 1 PSY-Frame Driver 3 PSY-Framegear Gamma 1 Red Reboot, Main Deck Total 40 Monsters: 16 3 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring 3 Effect Veiler 3 Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit 2 Nibiru, the Primal Being 3 Sky Striker Ace Raye 2 Sky Striker Ace Roze Spells: 20 2 Forbidden Droplet 3 Mystic Mine 2 Offerings to the Doomed 2 Pot of Prosperity 1 Reinforcement of the Army 1 Sky Striker Airspace Area Zero 1 Sky Striker Maneuver Afterburners! However, on performing the ritual, his skills somewhat gain efficiency. These are considered to be some low-level monsters, categorized so they still possess such personality that they can control the game pace and field. It chains Special Summons together to swarm the field with its signature monsters, all equipped with powerful effects that control the field. Consistent search and summon power that goes into some of the best Synchro monsters in the entire game, backed up by powerful hand-traps and other disruption cards is too good to beat. Slifer Deck | March 2023 | DarkArmedDuelist, SPIRIT MESSAGE DECK (YAMI BAKURA INSPIRED). A Junk Deck usually has quite a lot of options to consider with their Synchro Monsters, most of which having abilities to aid them in battle. Not only does it get key monsters like Gryphon and Enchantress in rotation, but it also gives two key plays to boot. And then, slowly but effectively progresses onto its resources. Famoulsly known among the community as Bird Up, Tri-Brigade Lyrilusc is a Deck has quite a lot of flexibility in its combos, with a wide variety of ways to go depending on the starting hand.It has a very high skill ceiling, rewarding those putting in the time to learn every detail about the Deck. They arrange the opponents Deck with all the top cards above the rest, and when the information is correct, they can damage the opponents spells and traps. Once known as one of the best Synchro archetypes, Six Samurais are powerful in the early game for their ability to swarm the field into more powerful Extra Deck monsters, which can invole Synchro, Xyz and Link monsters. Location : Bayan Lepas. The thing that demotivates their spirits is the opponents strength and power itself. Other than that, when Eldlich resides in the graveyard, the player can send him a spell to gain control over the cemetery. Solfachord Pendulum Summons are hard to negate because of the Pendulum Effects shared among most of the monsters in this archetype. Decks of the S rank exhibit extraordinary performance and are well-known among the fanbase. The monsters of this Deck usually possess low levels, because of which the most relevant Ritual spell for Zeta Aldhibah is Meteonis Drytron. An added danger is the option to bring out the only monster in the game that can have 100,000 ATK. Full List of Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG: 2022 Tin of The Pharaoh's Gods Cards & Prices But another of its liabilities includes good monsters. These are some of the most preferred decks. The tiers that we will use are as follows: Tier 1: Highly Competitive Meta Decks. This gives them the vantage of fusing two or even more cards and combining the simpler qualities that each one possesses. The Thunder Dragons are Fusion-based Deck that specializes in using Graveyard, Banish and Discard effects that provides card advantage and consistent presence on the field. It also has one of the best monsters that can clear the field effectively in Black Rose Dragon, and a debilitating Field Spell in Rose Garden. Now then, let's take a look at what the Golden Lord has been up to Post-GRCR. CoreTCG 2022 Nationals - Top 16 BWGX - DigimonCard But we are nothing if not open to discussion, and we would be more than willing to hear you out in the comments below. As powerful as Eldlich is, there's a clear factor on why the deck isn't Tier 1 at the moment. Eldlich is doing fairly well for itself in the current format. Developed and published by Konami, Yugioh is one of the most popular collectible card games in the entire world. Rank: 1st. Join us next month as we observe how the Remote YCS will shake things up! In the Deck, two cards are the total strength-giving assets eligible to hunt a ritual spell and a monster with all the effects they own. This nets you the best of both worlds, having both an Eldlixir and a Land at your grasp. But although that might be compelling enough, its not so practical. Think we missed an Archetype that needs to be ranked? They are also one of the few Decks that can conduct a Synchro Summon during the opponent's turn. Mass wipes in the form of Torrential Tribute and Dogmatika Punishment work in a similar fashion when paired with the two as well. TIER LIST BOARD BREAKERS: FORMATO PS BANLIST! - D1 Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Yu-Gi-Oh 2022 Holiday Gift Guide. Thus, it limits the players use only to easier games. Still, it wouldve been interesting to have known the powers the Deck possesses on its own. BT-10: Booster Xros Encounter Format $144.00 Deck Cost. DPEs intense attack abilities help him easily get rid of his opponents. They can constantly recycle their cards with no difficulty at all. We took these positives and negatives and spread 33 decks from the S to D ranks. When the player needs monsters for the game, Draglubion and Numeron Dragons coming together can provide you with a massive game win, accompanied by Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy. We will now conclude our Yugioh Tier List with a summary. Sean Washington Top 8 Tournament City Games Case Tourney. Currently, for Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel, this is any deck that can run 12 hand traps. This Deck has three major strengths: the flexibility of the Invoked Engine, the Fusion prowess of Shaddoll, and the Extra Deck-punishing ability of Dogmatika. The usage of the Spell Counters can vary, from being able to disrupt the opponent, clear out certain cards or gain card or battle advantage. They also enjoy lots of options in the Extra Deck different summoning method; the ease of summoning from the archetype is a key component for a good Rokket-based strategy called Dragon Links. Infernity has a unique playstyle where it rewards a player for having no cards in their hand, even having cards that enables this strategy. Virtual World makes use of both Xyz and Synchro Monsters, having the potential to swarm the field with powerful monsters. Specifically includes decks that only top small events or get lower rankings at medium events. Cards that are "Forbidden" cannot be used in your Main Deck, Extra Deck, or Side Deck. A Deck using both EvilTwin and LiveTwin archetypes, they make use of summoning each other's counterparts that can be activated in either player's turn as a Quick Effect. This website is not produced by, endorsed by, supported by, or affiliated with 4k Media or Konami Digital Entertainment. Utopia is a very strong Xyz-based Deck in its own right, having multiple ways to bring out the higher-Ranked Xyz monsters. Once set up, this Deck's field is difficult to break. 12 min read. Paleozoic Decks are unique in that they rely mostly on Normal Trap Cards that can be Special Summoned into Monsters after they have been activated. This allows you to lie in a more leverageable position since, with the power of all her boss monsters. The Millennia @ Bayan Lepas | Penang Property Talk 1 Terraforming Traps: 4 3 Infinite Impermanence 1 Metaverse Extra Deck: 15 1 Accesscode Talker 1 Crystron Halqifibrax 1 Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy 1 Lyna the Light Charmer, Lustrous 1 Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians 2 Sky Striker Ace Hayate 3 Sky Striker Ace Kagari 1 Sky Striker Ace Kaina 3 Sky Striker Ace Shizuku 1 Sky Striker Ace Zeke Side Deck: 15 2 Cosmic Cyclone 2 D.D. TCG Championship > Championships Tags: Decklists, Top 4. Strategy, articles, news, decks, and price guides for Magic: The Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and more. July 17th, 2022. Advanced. Power your creative ideas with pixel-perfect design and cutting-edge technology. A rare kind of Deck that does not require an Extra Deck to properly function, Witchcrafters primarily focuses on Spell Cards to maintain card advantage and control over the field. Located in Bayan Lepas, 3.2 miles from Queensbay Mall, Amari SPICE Penang provides accommodations with an outdoor swimming pool, free private parking, a fitness center and a garden. Top 4 Decklists - 2022 North America Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Championship! Effective from Dec 1, 2022. archetype pays Life Points to use their effects to gain advantage, and build up towards their strongest boss monster. However, the major hold-up is that the Deck cant carry out simultaneous small traps. This report will tabulate 156 top-performing decks from 31 tournaments that were held in Japan, China Mainland and South Korea during 1 - 12 January 2022. Maybe Eldlich will make a big appearance? They can also be used as an engine for other archetypes, such as Stardust Synchro Monsters. Among all the cards in the Deck, Sky Striker Mecha and widow anchor are the most prestigious to cause disturbances. The Boss Monsters, for how easy they can be summoned, have very impressive stats and effects. You can only have 1 copy maximum of a Limited card in your Main Deck, Extra Deck, and Side Deck combined. They also make use of a Token system witht Predator Counters, which further debilitate the opponent's monsters depending on the effects that were activated. Check our Tier List for the current top meta decks and archetypes of Season 15! Master Plan are the top three cards of the Deck and are considered the boss monsters, and when they are fused, it results in massive destruction. The first effect picks off a threat on the field, and the second effect revives him as a beefy 3500/3800 monster that can run over nearly anything. Master Duel Playlisthttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?lis. A unique control Deck that manages to Special Summon its Extra Deck monsters for free, based on the attributes of the opponent's monsters. New VJUMP Card: Magician of Faith Retrain. Rarely ever are a decks powers affected because of the enormity of the opponent, but Madolche does reside here. Due to the compactness of the engine, the deck is fairly splashable and customizable, having several effective variants to choose from. The main purpose of the Deck is to deposit the titular fusion monster in the field and prevent the opponent from any possible movement. Master Duel with us! There are a lot of cards that can stop this strategy alone, so players have to be careful. Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Deck Tier List: Best Decks in the Game (January Most expectedly, if you win the game, it would be due to the Deck satisfying a winning condition. Ghostrick is no exception to flaws and hence is suited for the current tier. Special mention goes to Virtual World Kyubi - Shenshen, having an in-built Macro Cosmos effect that banishes any card sent to the Graveyard. Products; Play; Events; News; New To Yu-Gi-Oh! Playing at the high velocity of a striker results in the Deck flourished; it slows down the opponents pace. Seeing any one of them grants access to both DPE and Dagda/Scythe. Altergeist 7550 matches 57% winrate. Even though you may not succeed, people get attracted to the Deck since it allows them to explore their options. We could not find the message board you were looking for. Salamangreat Decks thrive in battle and having cards in the Graveyard. Sean Washington placed Top 8 at a massive Case Tournament over at Tournament City Games post-GRCR. Lava Golem and Skill Drain have also resurfaced as legitimate options for all variants.Some of the Adventurer lists are trying out the Souls + Illusion of Chaos package. Long ago, the three Guardians lived together in harmony. Certain archetypes augment this like Sharks and Mermail, and make for a rather good Xyz Monster-based Deck. Created By: Gabe Molina. They revolve around a unique playstyle of gaining effects whenever a card is summoned using a copy of itself as material. Decklists | Yugioh Top Decks Expect an Extra Deck Monster out on the field already as early as Turn 1. The best thing about this Deck is that theyre tough to get rid of. TCG Events in Europe, please click here. They also have options in the Extra Deck, adding more firepower and control. DPE synergizes well with this searcher, destroying Eldland afterward to dump Conquistador or Huaquero to the GY. As of February 2023, Swordsoul Tenyi is the best competitive deck in Yu-Gi-Oh. As of the moment, Master Duel is currently following a Best-of-1 format, meaning there are no Side Decks to consider.