Displays the number of computers that have accepted task sequences, but haven't run the task sequence. Displays the status of the specified task sequence deployment on the specified unknown destination computer. Displays products on a specified computer that have their licenses managed by the Software Licensing Service. Displays all computers in a collection that have a specified compliance state for a software update. Displays all applications and packages at a site. Displays information about all the issues reported by clients. Displays computers that act as Key Management Servers. The following three reports are listed under the Users category. Displays the date and time inventory was last run on a specified computer. These values apply to application, task sequence, and package deployments. Displays a list of computers that the site hasn't recently inventoried.
Here is a list of these built-in reports: List of reports - Configuration Manager | Microsoft Docs Displays the specified computers with licenses that are nearing expiration. Displays the status of each step of the specified task sequence deployment on the specified destination computer. Displays the status of Windows RT sideloading keys. Displays a list of the destination computers for the specified task sequence deployment that is in the specified deployment state. In the Configuration Manager console, go to the Administration workspace, expand Site Configuration, and select the Sites node. Displays all drivers in a specified category. United Kingdom. Copy the following SQL query to find the report of application deployment with collection details. Displays compliance information for a specified virtual environment for a specified collection. Displays the devices or users with certificates that expire on or before the specified date. Displays details of all the task sequence deployments initiated from the site, and deployed to collections that contain unknown computers. To create a Pivot table for the status tab, click on the Insert>>Matrix>>Matrix Wizard. Displays total replication traffic for each link in the hierarchy for a specified number of days. Displays a list of all software metering rules at the site. This report requires that you enable the software metering client setting. Historical: View computers that are missing software updates. Displays summary information for the status of client installations. Identifies security, administrative, and compliance vulnerabilities for a specific computer. Once your deployment is active, the real action begins. The name of the script is CMReporting.ps1. Displays all software titles that don't have a custom label defined. Displays USB devices, grouped by manufacturer and description. Displays task sequence deployments that install a specified application. The following one report is listed under the Vulnerability Assessment category. Displays a list of all of the video cards installed on computers. Software metering must be enabled for this site to view this report. Displays detailed information about each client that runs the HTTPS Communication Readiness Tool, and reports to be incapable of communicating over HTTPS. Displays the list of users with the most number of detected threats. Our team has decades of combined experience helping companies like yours in diverse industries to drive their digital transformations using Microsofts powerful solution set. The following 16 reports are listed under the Software Distribution - Content category. Displays the power management capabilities of computers in the specified collection. Displays the devices or users in a specified compliance state following the evaluation of a specified configuration item. Select the site for which you want to configure the summarization interval. Displays securable objects, the security scopes associated with the objects, and which administrative users have rights to the objects.
Our SCCM Custom Reports - System Center Dudes Here I am considering Status as row and Hostnames as the values, but we want a count of hostnames against Status, so drag and drop accordingly. The following three reports are listed under the Hardware - Network Adapter category. Highlight one and click "OK". The reports appear in various categories. It also includes a count of users that most recently used the program. Displays the wipe requests that are pending for mobile devices. Displays packages for which associated content files haven't been updated with the latest version on a specified distribution point group. These reports have the report category of Software Distribution Application Monitoring. Displays the number of inventoried network adapters cards of each type. Displays a list of the inventoried versions of a specified product, and the number of computers each is installed on. View a list of computers on which a specified product is detected. I am passionate about learning and implementing new technologies. Hardware Inventory Cycle collects information such as available disk space, processor type, and operating system about each computer. With my Blog Posts, you will find my experience on the issues which I have faced and solutions for them. It also shows the date of the most recent discovery. To review the deployment details, select View status on the Home tab of the ribbon.
Debnath Tewari - Senior Associate - Cognizant | LinkedIn It searches based on the following criteria: product name, publisher, or version. Displays the overall health and compliance data for a software update group. The software metering reports only reflect metering data processed before these dates. Displays a list of computers that have a processor of a specified speed. Identifies and displays sales channel for inventoried Microsoft Volume License software. Displays a list of status messages that have a specified message ID. The displayed products have their licenses managed by the Software Licensing Service. Display a summary of the files inventoried that are associated with a specified software product. Go to Software Library > Overview > Application Management > Application Groups. Displays a list of computers running Remote Access Server. Display a count of detected App-V application packages. It can report on application, package, compliance baseline, software update and task sequence deployments. Displays a summary of the communication methods used by clients (HTTP or HTTPS). Then select More Details on the right side of the window. Status: This parameter allows you to filter by status. Intune as an extension of Microsoft System Center 2012 Configuration Manager - If you already use Configuration Manager to manage on-premises devices and are looking for a. Displays an Asset Intelligence summary view of computers in a collection you specify. Displays a list of software configured to automatically run on computers. Displays the list of threats found for a specified user account. Displays hierarchy aggregate global and site data replication for each direction of every link for a specified number of days. Displays all computers in a specified enforcement state for a specified software update. The following 15 reports are listed under the Software - Companies and Products category.
Trudy Reiser - Programmer - Cell Science Systems | LinkedIn On the General tab, give the new task a name, e.g. This tells the client to both check to make sure it has the latest list of deployments and then runs the Installation check for each of them to determine whether the app has installed successfully or not. Lets find SCCM Application Deployment Status SQL Query Custom Report. The maximum number of items that the Deployment Status pane can display is 20,000. View a list of product lifecycles. Download the Power BI reports directly from Microsoft download site and use . Displays summary information about the logical disks on a specified computer. Lets learn how to use the report builder to create custom reports in SCCM. Posted 6 years ago 36019 views. Displays the number of server component error status messages in the last 12 hours. Starting in version 1810, this report includes similar information as the in-console dashboard.
To use this script, you first need to load the functions into memory by running the script. Displays detailed information about computers that didn't sleep or hibernate within a specified time period.
Smartdeploy LinusIn fact, before she started Sylvia's Soul Plates in You can track the status of the application deployment using the following query. The following five reports are listed under the Task Sequence - Progress category. MEM is the ConfigMgr site code. View details for products in your environment that have expired lifecycle dates. Administrators initiate their monitoringtroubleshooting of failed application deployments for their environment by reviewing this report. If these data don't match, select Run Summarization. The amount of free space to check for is specified in MB. I am trying to get detailed progress messages of a Deployment that deploys a Task sequence, using Powershell. If no record is returned, the task sequence hasn't started on the computer. In addition to improvements in performance and layout, the console now supports a quicker way to monitor application deployments. This SQL Query will help you use IIF syntax and declare the states accordingly (In the last post, we used When and then syntax). Displays a list of computers running a specified version of the Configuration Manager client software. Displays computers that share MAC address. The following reports are included with Configuration Manager. Select the CM_MEM database from the drop-down menu. Displays information about the CD-ROM drives on a specified computer. Displays the average number of usages of a particular program for the past 90 days, broken down by hour and day. The following 10 reports are listed under the Operating System category.
Alok Sinha - Intune Support Escalation Engineer - LinkedIn OS 3. Displays information about the mobile devices that have the Configuration Manager client installed. Displays a list of computers and components reporting errors in the last 12 hours, and the number of errors reported.
Rich Wells - Service Delivery Engineer II - One Call | LinkedIn